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发布时间:2018-01-19 13:29

  本文关键词: 大学公共选修课程 价值取向 质量保证 出处:《中南民族大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着高等教育管理体制改革的不断深入,大学的办学自主权逐渐得到落实。许多大学为了加强大学生文化素质的培养,拓宽学生的知识领域而纷纷设置公共选修课程,为学生创造更多主动、自主学习的机会。应该说公共选修课取得了一定的成绩和教育效果。但是在各个高校中,公选课的开设情况却良莠不齐,有的可以堂堂爆满,有的但却门可罗雀,公共选修课在课程实施过程中逐渐暴露出了很多问题,公选课的质量不容乐观。究其根本,还是在于我国对公选课的开设缺乏足够理论上的支持,对公共选修课在实施过程中可能会出现的问题缺乏足够的预见及解决方法,甚至公共选修课应该以怎么样的价值观作为开设指导理念也尚不明确。总之,我国公共选修课的开设缺乏详尽的自上而下的设计。 本研究以高等教育改革和国际化为背景,通过研究国内外高校课程质量的历史,总结其存在的问题,分析其经验,着重探讨大学公共选修课程在高等教育中的价值追求与目标追求,提出大学公共选修课程的价值追求是建立在多元价值的相互融合基础之上。其次回顾了大学公共选修课程的发展历程,并在调查分析的基础上,从课程的开设、实施和管理三个方面对大学公共选修课程存在的问题进行了反思。最后在探讨大学公共选修课程质量保证的实现途径时,笔者着重从大学公共选修课程的内部质量保证构建进行分析,分别在输入、过程和输出阶段提出相应的保证策略。本文共分四章: 第一章导论部分主要介绍了选题缘由与研究意义、主要研究内容与研究方法、相关文献综述及相关概念的界定。 第二章重点阐述了大学公共选修课程的价值追求与目标追求。大学公共选修课程的价值取向既有工具性价值和社会价值,也有注重民族文化传统的价值追求、回归人类活动的价值追求以及促进个体发展的价值追求。公选课的价值追求是多元价值的融合。大学公共选修课程的目标追求则主要是致力于促进学生知识和价值结构的完善、个性的发展、能力和社会责任感的培养。 第三章是对我国大学公共选修课程的反思。在文献研究和调查分析的基础上分析公共选修课实施过程中存在的问题,如公共选课存量少,在整个大学课程中所占比例低,,开课随意性强,学生选课目的不明确,开课与选课的过程中均存在功利性强和实用主义倾向,缺乏完善的公选课进入退出机制等问题。这些问题在一定程度上制约了大学公共选修课的质量,削弱了公共选修课在培养人才方面的作用。 第四章探讨了大学公共选修课程质量保证的实现途径。笔者以全面质量管理的理念作为指导,从影响公共选修课质量的输入保证、过程保证和输出保证的关键因子作为讨论的角度,构建了对公共选修课质量影响重大的内部质量保证体系,具有较强的可操作性和一定的理论意义。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of higher education management system, the autonomy of running a university has been gradually implemented. Many universities in order to strengthen the cultivation of cultural quality of college students. Broaden students' fields of knowledge and set up public elective courses for students to create more initiative, independent learning opportunities. It should be said that public elective courses have achieved certain results and educational results. But in each university. However, the opening of public elective courses is mixed, some can be filled, but some are open, public elective courses in the course of implementation gradually exposed a lot of problems. The quality of public elective courses is not optimistic. The fundamental reason lies in the lack of sufficient theoretical support for the opening of public elective courses in our country. In the process of implementation of public elective courses may appear in the lack of sufficient foresight and solutions, even public elective courses should be based on what kind of values as the guiding concept is not clear. The opening of public elective courses in our country lacks detailed top-down design. This research takes the higher education reform and internationalization as the background, through the research domestic and foreign university curriculum quality history, summarizes its existence question, analyzes its experience. This paper focuses on the value and goal pursuit of public elective courses in higher education. This paper puts forward that the value pursuit of university public elective courses is based on the integration of multiple values. Secondly, it reviews the development of university public elective courses, and on the basis of investigation and analysis, from the course opening. The implementation and management of the three aspects of the university public elective curriculum problems are reflected. Finally, in the discussion of the university public elective course quality assurance approach. The author focuses on the internal quality assurance construction of the university public elective courses, and puts forward the corresponding assurance strategies in the input, process and output stages. This paper is divided into four chapters: The first chapter introduces the reason and significance of the topic, the main research content and research methods, related literature review and the definition of related concepts. The second chapter focuses on the value pursuit and goal pursuit of the university public elective course. The value orientation of the university public elective course has both the instrumental value and the social value, as well as the value pursuit of paying attention to the national culture tradition. Return to the value pursuit of human activities and the value pursuit of promoting individual development. The value pursuit of public elective courses is the integration of multiple values. The goal pursuit of university public elective courses is mainly to promote students' knowledge and price. The perfection of value structure. The development of personality, ability and social responsibility. The third chapter is the reflection of public elective courses in universities in China. On the basis of literature research and investigation and analysis, the problems existing in the implementation of public elective courses, such as the small stock of public elective courses, are analyzed. In the whole university curriculum, the proportion is low, the opening of the course is arbitrary, the purpose of the students is not clear, and there are utilitarian and pragmatic tendencies in the course of the course and the course selection. These problems restrict the quality of public elective courses and weaken the role of public elective courses in training talents. Chapter 4th discusses the way to realize the quality assurance of public elective courses in universities. The author takes the concept of total quality management as the guidance, from the input assurance that affects the quality of public elective courses. Based on the key factors of process assurance and output assurance, the internal quality assurance system which has great influence on the quality of public elective courses is constructed, which has strong maneuverability and certain theoretical significance.


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