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发布时间:2018-01-19 13:46

  本文关键词: 越南教育 北宁体育大学 德育教育 大学生 出处:《广西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:人类的发展历史跟教育有着密切的关系。教育的存在与发展受社会经济的控制,反之教育对社会经济的发展有着巨大的贡献;教育是改进社会的工具、设施。社会发展,教育既是其发展动力又是其发展目标。道德是人类人格之本。给学生进行德育教育是为了帮助他们形成自己的人格。德育教育是为了给学生提供道德品质以及道德标准的最基本知识,从而完善人格。德与才是合成每个人的两种因素。很多人认为道德是人格之本。德育教育是教育活动不可缺少的组成成分。胡志明主席曾曰:“有才而无德者乃无用也,有德而无才者乃万事难成也”;论语里孔子曾曰:“玉不琢不成器,人不学不知道”。 关于工业化、现代化时期对教育培训的发展战略,第八届党中央委员会第二次会议的议决指出:“教育最基本任务与目标就是培养出一代忠于社会主义以及民族独立思想,有高尚的道德品质,有建设与保卫祖国的坚强意志,能实现工业化现代化事业,保持并发挥民族的文化特色,能接受人类文化精华,发扬越南人以及祖国的潜能,有社会意识并能发挥个人的积极性,能掌握现代科技知识,有创新的思维、优秀的实践技能、工业作风、组织纪律性、良好的身体的人才。其为承继并建设成像胡主席所说的“既红又专”的社会主义”中央政治委关于继续实现中央议决,至2020年的教育培训发展方向的通知中指出:“…关于为学生进行德育教育、思想教育、品德教育、民族的文化与历史传统教育、共产党意识教育、公民的义务与权利教育等一系列问题还没得到应有的重视;教育活动基本上只着眼于知识传授,德育教育以及生活技能与业务技能还未得到应有的重视。面对该现状,最近几年各级各业,特别是教育部已经着重于为各代学生进行全面教育工作。德育教育被认为各学校的重要任务之一。实际证明,学校里的德育教育一般着重于规章纪律,而不太重视于学生的实际行为。此外,学校、家庭、社会结合为学生进行德育教育的方法未得到应有的效果。教育过程就是深有社会性的过程,表现于多方面,有各种社会力量共同进行的。 数多年来,越南北宁体育学校的教育事业已有各方面的改变,可是同时学生德育教育工作还有不少问题存在。具体表现于: 其一,学生德育教育工作未有经常性、普遍性,缺少学校、家庭、社会的密切结合。 其二,教师在课堂上还是偏向于教授知识,忽略了德育教育教育。教学内容还偏向于理论性的,缺少实践性的。教师的教学质量未得到提高。 其三,面对学生违反道德行为,有些教师还是选择了避免或者睁一眼看一眼的方式。一部分班级主任还缺少工作经验,未全心全意地工作,对学生德育教育工作不够关心。 其四,还存在一部分学生经常有违反道德、享受生活、参加了社会各种弊端活动、违反法律、冒犯教师的人格等不佳行为。 基于为了提高本校德育教育教育的质量,为2010-2020年阶段的教育发展战略迈出突破的一步,培养出拥有德、智、体、美全面发展的人才,促进祖国工业化-现代化时期的发展的目的,本文把加强德育教育教育工作作为论文的研究内容。
[Abstract]:There is a close relationship between the development of human history and education. The existence and development of Education under the control of the social economy, has made a great contribution to the development of social economy and education; education is the improvement of social tools and facilities. The development of the society, education is the motive force of the development and its development goals. Morality is the human personality this. Give students moral education is to help them to form their own personality. Moral education is to provide students with the basic knowledge of moral quality and moral standards, to improve the personality. Germany and is the two factor synthesis for everyone. Many people think that the moral personality of the moral education is a component of education. An indispensable. President Hu Zhiming once said: "the talent without virtue is also useless, there is not only the morality and everything to" the Analects of Confucius; Confucius once said: "the good-for-nothing people. Don't learn and don't know.
On the development strategy of industrialization, education and training of the modern period, the eighth session of the second meeting of the Central Committee of the party decided that: "education is the basic task and goal is to cultivate a generation to socialism and nationalism, a noble moral quality, construction and defend the motherland's strong will, can realize the industrial modernization. Keep and display the national culture characteristic, can accept human culture, to carry forward the motherland and Vietnamese potential, social consciousness and play the enthusiasm of the individual, to master modern science and technology knowledge, innovative thinking, excellent practical skills, industrial style, discipline, good body of the talent. That is inherited and construction of Mr Hu's" imaging is red and "socialism" the Central Political Committee to continue to achieve that central to 2020, education and training development The direction of the notice points out: "..." On the moral education for students, ideological education, moral education, culture and history of traditional education, communist consciousness education, citizen's rights and obligations of education and a series of questions have not been given due attention; educational activities basically focus only on imparting knowledge, moral education and life skills and business skills have not been attention. Facing this situation, in recent years, various industries, especially the Ministry of education has focused on the students' comprehensive education. Moral education is considered one of the most important tasks of the school. In practice, the moral education in schools generally focus on the rules of discipline, the actual behavior and do not pay much attention to the students. In addition, school, family, society with moral education for the students did not get the desired effect. Education is a process of deep social process, in many aspects, there are various Social forces are carried out together.
The number of years, various aspects of school physical education in Vietnam Beining has changed, but the work of moral education of students there are many problems in the specific performance:
First, the work of students' moral education is not regular and universal, and it lacks the close combination of school, family and society.
Secondly, teachers prefer to teach knowledge and ignore moral education in class. Teaching contents also tend to be theoretical and practical. Teachers' teaching quality has not been improved.
Thirdly, in the face of students' violation of moral behavior, some teachers chose to avoid or open their eyes. Part of the class directors still lacked working experience, didn't work wholeheartedly, and didn't care enough about student's moral education.
Fourthly, there are still some students who often violate morality, enjoy life, take part in various social malpractices, violate laws and offend teachers' personality and so on.
Based on the school moral education in order to improve the quality of education, for the education development strategy 2010-2020 stage step breakthrough step, developing a virtue, wisdom, body, beauty of all-round talents, promote the industrialization development of the motherland - modernization period, the purpose of this paper to strengthen the moral education education as the research content of this thesis.



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