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发布时间:2018-01-24 02:41

  本文关键词: 民办高校 规制 市场准入 办学质量 盈利性 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着近30年的发展,民办高校也逐步发展壮大,并有相当部分办学质量好的民办高校为国家培养了大批适应市场需求的人才,在获得办学效益的同时,为缓解我国高等教育资源不足做出了巨大贡献。但是,不可否认的是,民办高校还存在很多问题。这些问题的产生,一方面是由于民办高校自身的原因,但是更多表现为政府对民办高校的规制还存在明显的问题。为了引导民办高校的健康发展,,因此,研究民办高校的规制问题显得尤为必要。 其中民办高校的市场准入问题直接关系到民办高校能否作为高等教育市场的供给主体进入高等教育市场;民办高校的办学质量问题直接影响到民办高校能否持续经营和发展壮大的问题;民办高校盈利性问题直接影响到民间资本投资办学的积极性,对这些方面进行研究,对促进民办高校健康持久发展意义重大。因而本文主要采取规范研究、理论研究、模型分析等方法,对民办高校市场准入问题、质量问题及盈利性等重要问题进行研究,并希望能推出相应的政策建议。 本文认为,目前我国政府对民办高校的市场准入规制存在过度问题;对办学质量规制存在着政府行政垄断问题;而对盈利性规制存在极大的不合理性。而这些问题对民办高等教育市场及消费者福利等都造成极大的不良影响。因此,本文认为应该对目前的规制制度进行重新的设计。本文认为,应该以民办高校“收益权”的保障为基础,完善和加强办学质量规制,以完善的办学质量规制为前提,放松市场准入规制。从而达到促进民办高校健康有序发展的目的。
[Abstract]:With the development of nearly 30 years, private colleges and universities are also gradually growing, and a considerable number of good quality private colleges and universities for the country to train a large number of talents to meet the needs of the market, in the meantime of obtaining the benefits of running a school. In order to alleviate the shortage of higher education resources in China has made a great contribution. However, it is undeniable that there are still many problems in private colleges and universities. On the one hand, these problems are due to the reasons of private colleges and universities themselves. In order to guide the healthy development of private colleges and universities, it is particularly necessary to study the regulation of private colleges and universities. The market access of private colleges and universities is directly related to whether they can enter the higher education market as the main supply of the higher education market. The quality of private colleges and universities has a direct impact on the sustainable operation and development of private colleges and universities. The profitability of private universities directly affects the enthusiasm of private capital investment in running schools. It is of great significance to study these aspects to promote the healthy and sustainable development of private colleges and universities. Theoretical research, model analysis, and other important issues such as market access, quality and profitability of private colleges and universities are studied, and the corresponding policy recommendations are expected to be put forward. This paper holds that there are excessive problems in the regulation of market access for private colleges and universities in our country at present; There is a problem of government administrative monopoly in the regulation of school quality; However, there is great irrationality in the regulation of profitability, and these problems have a great negative impact on the private higher education market and consumer welfare. This paper holds that the current regulation system should be redesigned. This paper believes that the quality regulation of running schools should be perfected and strengthened on the basis of the guarantee of "income right" in private colleges and universities. In order to promote the healthy and orderly development of private colleges and universities, the market access regulation should be relaxed on the premise of perfect quality regulation of running schools.


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1 周云芳;黎利云;;我国现行民办高校产权归属中的制度性保障问题探析[J];民办教育研究;2009年01期




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