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发布时间:2018-01-24 15:40

  本文关键词: 中国梦 当代大学生 理想信念教育 引领作用 出处:《太原理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当今世界各种思想文化相互激荡、多元并存,当代中国正在经历空前广泛的社会变革。这对于当代大学生的世界观、人生观、价值观有着很大的冲击,使大学生的理想信念教育面临严峻挑战。党的十八大报告明确指出:要广泛开展理想信念教育,将立德树人作为教育的根本任务。要实现中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”,当代大学生是追梦主力军,理想信念教育在大学生思想政治教育内容中处于核心地位,,是大学生成长成才的关键。加强当代大学生的理想信念教育不仅是培养德、智、体、美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人的重要内容,更是关系到中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”能否实现的战略性工程。“中国梦”的深刻价值内涵为新形势下大学生的理想信念教育增添了新的时代要求,在当前大学生的理想信念教育中发挥着重要的引领作用。 本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,按照党中央关于理想信念教育的总体要求,从大学生理想信念教育研究的特点出发,从理想信念、理想信念教育及“中国梦”的内涵、本质特征入手,透视分析了大学生理想信念教育的基本规律;通过调查,呈现出当前大学生理想信念方面的主流趋势、存在的突出问题,以及大学生对理想信念教育的主观需求。针对当前大学生理想信念及大学生理想信念教育的现状,笔者从方法论的视角,探析了“中国梦”在当代大学生理想信念教育中的引领作用,提出在“中国梦”背景下,加强当代大学生理想信念教育的对策思考。力图通过二者内在而深刻的价值契合,发挥“中国梦”在当代大学生理想信念教育中的思想引领、价值引领、行为引领、文化引领作用,使“中国梦”理论的深刻内涵充分融入当前大学生的理想信念教育中,增强教育的针对性、实效性,适应新形势下大学生理想信念教育的客观要求。
[Abstract]:In today's world a variety of Ideological and cultural interaction, pluralism, contemporary Chinese is experiencing unprecedented social change. For the contemporary college students' world outlook, outlook on life, values have a great impact, the ideal and belief education of college students is facing serious challenges. The eighteen Party Congress report clearly pointed out: to widely carry out the education of ideals and beliefs and the morality education as the fundamental task of education. In order to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation "China dream", contemporary college students are the main force, the ideal faith education is the core content of Ideological and political education, is the key to the growth of college students. To strengthen the ideal and belief education of contemporary college students is not only to cultivate virtue, wisdom, the body, the important content of socialist builders and successors with all-round development, it is related to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation "China dream" can be real Now the strategic engineering. The profound value connotation of "China dream" adds new requirements to the college students' ideal and belief education under the new situation, and plays an important leading role in the current college students' ideals and beliefs education.
Based on the dialectical materialism and historical materialism as a guide, in accordance with the Party Central Committee on general education of ideals and beliefs of the requirements, starting from the characteristics of the education of ideals and beliefs of university students, from the connotation of ideals and beliefs, ideals and beliefs of education and "Chinese dream" the essential feature of the analysis of the basic rules of the ideal and belief education of college students; the investigation, showing a trend of the college students ideals and beliefs, existing problems, and the subjective needs of college students on the education of ideal and faith. In view of the current situation of College Students' ideals and beliefs and students' ideal and belief education, the author from a methodological perspective, analysis of the "leading role China dream" in the ideal and belief education of contemporary college students the proposed in the "Chinese dream" background, countermeasures to strengthen the ideal and belief education of contemporary college students. Through the two factors and Deep value fit, play a "China dream" in the contemporary college students' ideal and belief education in ideology, value guidance, behavior guidance, the leading role of culture, the profound connotation of "Chinese dream" theory is fully integrated into the ideal and belief education of current college education, enhance the pertinence, effectiveness, adapt to the objective requirements of the ideal belief education of College Students under the new situation.



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