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发布时间:2018-01-26 09:12

  本文关键词: 大学生 道德行为 道德教育 行为文化 出处:《西北师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Moral behavior is the ultimate embodiment of all moral values. It is in the process of constantly practicing moral behavior that individuals gradually improve their moral quality and cultivate their moral ideal personality. Promote the continuous transformation between moral consciousness and moral behavior, and finally form a good moral behavior culture. However, under the influence of complex social environment and traditional examination-oriented education model and other background factors. As the leader of social ethos and the backbone of the future construction of the motherland, the construction of college students' moral behavior culture is not only related to the formation of their own healthy personality. Generally speaking, this paper is divided into four parts: the first part is an overview of moral behavior culture. And the theory of moral education in China and the West are elaborated. The second part of the core content is aimed at some moral behavior problems in contemporary college students. Deep analysis of the causes of these problems. Contemporary college students are mostly only children, their self-awareness is too strong. In addition, the traditional moral education is mainly the malpractice of adopting indoctrination and the deviation between their own moral cognition and behavior. It also highlights the necessity and importance of the construction of college students' moral behavior culture. The third part summarizes and expounds systematically the content and educational orientation of college students' moral behavior culture construction. The fourth part puts forward the path of the construction of moral behavior culture. The construction of moral behavior culture is a long process of internal and external unity. It is necessary not only to have conscious inner cultivation, but also to have the guidance of external moral education and the shaping of social environment. Only by internalizing social moral norms into the belief of self-discipline can a culture of moral behavior be gradually formed.


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