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发布时间:2018-01-31 03:17

  本文关键词: 大学生志愿服务 民族院校德育 作用 对策 出处:《中南民族大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生志愿服务是我国社会志愿服务事业的重要组成部分,并且是目前我国高校德育工作开展的重要内容。民族院校作为我国高等教育的重要组成部分,它的创办对促进民族地区发展有着特殊作用。由于招收的大部分是少数民族学生,其德育工作必然与一般高校存在不同之处。本文主要根据民族院校德育的特殊性,分析大学生志愿服务对民族院校德育的作用发挥,以及存在的不足之处,进而提出一系列的对策和建议。 本文结构如下: 第一,绪论部分首先介绍了本文的研究背景以及研究意义,接着详细论述了国内外与本课题相关的研究,最后简述了文章的创新之处与研究方法。 第二,第一章主要对与志愿服务相关的概念进行界定,介绍了大学生志愿服务的现状和特点。 第三,第二章主要介绍我国民族院校德育的特殊性。第一方面是民族院校德育对象具有特殊性,第二方面是民族院校德育内容具有特殊性,第三方面是民族院校德育环境具有特殊性。通过分析这几方面的特殊性,指出民族院校大学生志愿服务在德育作用的发挥上与一般院校应有所不同。 第四,第三章叙述了大学生志愿服务在民族院校德育发展中所发挥的作用。主要有五点作用,第一点是有利于提高民族院校学生的综合素质,第二点是有利于促进民族院校各民族学生的团结友爱,第三点是有利于加强民族院校的爱国主义教育,第四点是有利于充实民族院校德育工作的内容,第五点是有利于构建民族院校的和谐校园文化。 第五,,最后一章是通过分析志愿服务在促进民族院校德育作用发挥上所存在的主要问题,探讨了推动大学生志愿服务发展以及充分发挥其作用的思路与对策。
[Abstract]:Volunteer service is an important part of China's social voluntary service, and is an important part of China's college moral education. As an important part of national institutions of higher education in our country, it has a special role to start to promote the development of ethnic areas. Because most of the recruit students of minority nationalities, inevitable the moral education in different colleges and universities in general. According to the particularity of the national college moral education, analysis the role of college students volunteer service in Colleges and universities for Nationalities of moral education, and shortcomings, and put forward a series of countermeasures and suggestions.
The structure of this article is as follows:
First, the introduction part first introduces the research background and research significance of this paper, then discusses the research related to this topic at home and abroad, and finally outlines the innovation and research methods of the article.
Second, the first chapter mainly defines the concepts related to voluntary service, and introduces the status and characteristics of College Students' volunteer service.
Third, the second chapter mainly introduces the particularity of moral education in Universities for Nationalities in China. The first aspect is the object of moral education in Ethnic Universities and colleges has its particularity, the second aspect is the content of moral education in Ethnic Universities and colleges has its particularity, the third aspect is the environment of moral education in Universities for nationalities has particularity. Through the analysis of the particularity of these aspects, pointed out that the National College Students' volunteer service in the role of moral education and the general education should be different.
Fourth, the third chapter describes the play of college students volunteer service in national colleges and universities moral education development. There are five main points, the first point is to improve the comprehensive quality of students in national colleges, second is conducive to the promotion of the national minority college students solidarity, third is conducive to strengthening the patriotic education of nationalities in fourth, is conducive to enrich the content of moral education in Universities for nationalities, fifth is conducive to the construction of harmonious campus culture in Colleges and universities for nationalities.
Fifth, the last chapter analyzes the main problems of volunteering service in promoting the role of moral education in ethnic universities, and explores the ideas and Countermeasures to promote the development of volunteer service and give full play to its role.



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