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发布时间:2018-01-31 05:22

  本文关键词: 项目学习 工科大学 实践效果评价 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着时代的进步和科学技术的发展,人们对高等教育有了与以往不同的需求。社会需求趋于复杂,对学生单一专业能力的培养已不能适应社会需求。当前,为适应新的社会需求而进行的教育模式改革正开展得如火如荼。一些工科大学正在由工科教育向工程教育转变,把基于课堂讲授的教学模式转变为基于项目的研究型教学模式上来。 自项目学习这一概念被介绍到国内来,从基础教育到职业教育乃至高等教育都先后开始了对其在理论和实践方面的研究与探索。可以说基于项目学习是当今开展素质教育,培养21世纪人才的重要途径。2011年7月教育部初步遴选26所高校开展试点学院项目改革,“教育教学改革特别试验区”内容之一是:创新人才培养模式,尊重学生主体地位,激发学生学习的积极性和主动性。在这种情况下,对工科大学项目学习进行研究,对于我国目前正在进行的大学教学改革和培养社会需要的创新型人才都有着非常重要的理论和实践意义。 本文的主要研究内容可以归纳为以下三方面:在分析项目学习和教育评价相关理论的基础上,,从实践角度介绍项目学习在大学的开展情况,以美国伍斯特理工学院项目学习的实施情况为个案;在理论和个案分析的基础上设计基于学生体验的大学项目学习实施效果的评价调查卷;对哈尔滨工业大学的基于项目学习的培养模式下参与项目学习的大一、大二学生进行问卷调查,并得出相关评价结论。
[Abstract]:With the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, people have different needs for higher education. The reform of educational model to meet the new social needs is in full swing. Some engineering universities are changing from engineering education to engineering education. Change the teaching mode based on classroom instruction to the research teaching mode based on project. The concept of learning from the project was introduced to the country. From basic education to vocational education and even higher education has started to study and explore its theory and practice. It can be said that project-based learning is to carry out quality education today. In July 2011, the Ministry of Education initially selected 26 colleges and universities to carry out the project reform of pilot colleges. One of the contents of "Special Experimental area of Education and Teaching Reform" is to innovate the training mode of talents, to respect the status of students as the main body, and to stimulate students' enthusiasm and initiative in learning. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the project of engineering university in our country for the reform of university teaching and the cultivation of creative talents. The main research contents of this paper can be summarized as follows: on the basis of analyzing the relevant theories of project learning and educational evaluation, this paper introduces the development of project learning in universities from the perspective of practice. Take the implementation of the Worcester Institute of Technology project learning as a case study; On the basis of theory and case analysis, the paper designs the evaluation and investigation volume of the effect of the implementation of university project learning based on the students' experience. A questionnaire survey was conducted among freshmen and sophomores participating in project learning in the training mode of project learning in Harbin University of Technology, and the relevant evaluation conclusions were obtained.


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