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发布时间:2018-01-31 11:43

  本文关键词: 大学生 网络政治参与 引导对策 出处:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着现代社会网络通信技术的发展和社会信息化程度的提高,网络已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。网络政治是随着网络的发展出现的,因其便捷性而越来越受到政府的重视,网络政治参与逐渐成为民主政治生活中比较重要的一部分。大学生作为网民中的庞大群体,其网络政治参与对社会以及民主政治的发展影响较大,因而大学生网络政治参与行为越来越受到高校思想政治工作者的重视。大学生通过网络参与政治社会生活、传递民主政治信息,成为当前大学生行使民主权利的重要方式之一。 大学生是社会发展的根本力量,虽然从总体上看,我国大学生关心国家大事,对网络政治的态度比较积极、政治观念的认知程度比较高,但是与此相对的是大学生的网络政治参与行为与认识水平不相称。因此引导大学生通过网络理性参与政治生活,监管网络政治不当行为,具有非常重要的意义。本研究主要通过文献探讨、问卷调查等方法对大学生网络政治参与行为进行研究,试图从学校、社会、学生三个维度来进行调查分析,进而提出具体的有针对性的引导策略。围绕着对大学生网络政治参与行为的引导,论文从三个部分展开研究。 第一部分:概括大学生网络政治参与行为的内涵、类型及其特点。该部分从大学生网络政治参与行为的概念定义出发,总结学术界相关研究成果,界定大学生网络政治参与行为的内涵及类型,并分析其独具的特点,揭示研究大学生网络政治参与行为的意义所在。 第二部分:对大学生网络政治参与行为的现状进行分析。对目前大学生网络政治参与行为发展积极的方面以及存在的问题进行总结。针对大学生网络政治参与行为存在问题从社会环境、网络环境、大学生个人原因进行分析,为提出有效的引导对策奠定基础。 第三部分:提出引导大学生网络政治参与行为良性发展的对策。该部分是全文的重点,针对当前大学生网络政治参与行为当中存在的问题,提出了应从网络整治、学校教育、社会实践三个方面加强对大学生网络政治参与行为引导的可行性策略。
[Abstract]:With the development of modern social network communication technology and the improvement of social informatization, the network has become an indispensable part of people's lives. Network politics appears with the development of the network. Because of its convenience and more and more attention by the government, network political participation has gradually become a more important part of democratic political life. College students as a large group of Internet users. Its network political participation has a great impact on the development of society and democratic politics. Therefore, college students' network political participation behavior has been paid more and more attention by ideological and political workers in colleges and universities. College students participate in political and social life through the network to transmit democratic political information. It has become one of the important ways for college students to exercise their democratic rights. College students are the fundamental force of social development, although on the whole, our college students care about national affairs, the attitude to network politics is more positive, the political concept of cognitive level is relatively high. However, the behavior of network political participation of college students is not commensurate with the level of cognition. Therefore, we should guide college students to participate in political life through network rationality, and supervise the improper behavior of network politics. This research mainly through the literature discussion, questionnaire survey and other methods to study the behavior of college students' network political participation, trying to investigate and analyze from the three dimensions of school, society and students. Then the paper puts forward specific guiding strategies, and focuses on the guidance of college students' network political participation behavior, which is studied in three parts. The first part summarizes the connotation, types and characteristics of college students' network political participation behavior. This part summarizes the relevant academic research results from the concept definition of college students' network political participation behavior. This paper defines the connotation and types of college students' network political participation behavior, analyzes its unique characteristics, and reveals the significance of studying college students' network political participation behavior. Part II:. This paper analyzes the current situation of college students' network political participation behavior, summarizes the positive aspects and problems existing in the development of college students' network political participation behavior, and aims at the existing problems of college students' network political participation behavior. From the social environment. The network environment, the individual reason of university student carries on the analysis, for puts forward the effective guidance countermeasure to lay the foundation. The third part: put forward the countermeasures to guide the healthy development of college students' network political participation behavior. This part is the focus of the full text, aiming at the problems existing in the current college students' network political participation behavior. This paper puts forward the feasible strategies of strengthening the guidance of college students' network political participation behavior from three aspects: network renovation, school education and social practice.


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