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发布时间:2018-01-31 11:55

  本文关键词: 周恩来 人生观 当代大学生 启示 出处:《四川农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:周恩来是中国共产党卓越的领导人之一,是伟大的无产阶级革命家、政治家、军事家和外交家,是杰出的马克思主义理论家、宣传家和活动家。周恩来能够成为这样一位时代伟人,同他的人生观有着密切的关系。大学阶段是人生观形成和发展的关键时期,这一时期大学生能否确立科学的人生观直接关系着其未来一生的发展,关系着国家的前途和命运。当代大学生人生观的主流是积极向上的,但是部分大学生人生观也存在一些问题,具体表现在人生目的、人生理想、人生价值和人生态度等方面。这些问题是各种因素综合作用和影响的结果,针对这些问题,我们要对大学生进行全面有效的人生观教育。深入分析和科学把握周恩来的人生观,以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的视角,研究和探讨周恩来人生观的当代价值,对有效解决当代大学生人生观存在的问题,教育和引导当代大学生树立科学人生观具有十分重要的启示。 本文主要采用文献研究法和系统分析法,既能达到对周恩来人生观的形成渊源、基本内容和主要特点的基本了解,又能结合当代大学生人生观的现状进行系统分析,从而为当代大学生人生观问题的解决提供参考。文章主要包括以下几部分: 第一章为引言,主要介绍了选题背景、研究意义、研究现状、研究方法和研究的创新之处。第二章梳理总结了周恩来人生观的形成渊源,大致包括时代氛围的影响、学校教育的引导、家庭环境的熏陶和自身努力与修养。第三章归纳了周恩来人生观的基本内容,即“全心全意为人民服务”的人生目的、“为共产主义奋斗终身”的人生理想、“淡泊名利、无私奉献”的人生价值和“自强不息、积极乐观”的人生态度。第四章提炼了周恩来人生观的主要特点,即时代性、民族性、世界性、革命性、科学性和实践性。第五章分析了当代大学生人生观的现状,具体包括主流、存在的问题及原因。第六章阐述了周恩来人生观的当代价值,即在全面分析当代大学生人生观现状的基础上,论述周恩来的人生观对社会、高校、家庭和个人的启示,旨在积极营造良好氛围,有效开展大学生人生观教育,促成当代大学生科学人生观的形成和确立。 本文的创新之处主要体现在两个方面:第一,研究内容的创新。本论文梳理 总结了周恩来人生观的形成渊源,概括归纳了周恩来人生观的基本内容和主要特点。研究内容具有创新性。第二,研究视角的创新。本文在分析周恩来人生观的形成渊源、基本内容和主要特点的基础上,能够结合当代大学生人生观的现状阐释周恩来人生观的当代价值。选取的视角较为新颖。
[Abstract]:Zhou Enlai is one of the outstanding leaders of the Communist Party of China, a great proletarian revolutionist, politician, strategist and diplomat, and an outstanding Marxist theorist. Propagandists and activists Zhou Enlai can become such a great man of the times, and his outlook on life has a close relationship. The university stage is the key period for the formation and development of outlook on life. Whether college students can establish scientific outlook on life in this period is directly related to the development of their future life and the future and destiny of the country. The mainstream of contemporary college students' outlook on life is positive. However, some college students have some problems in their outlook on life, such as the purpose of life, the ideal of life, the value of life and the attitude of life. These problems are the result of the comprehensive effect and influence of various factors. In view of these problems, we should carry on the comprehensive and effective education of the college students' outlook on life, deeply analyze and scientifically grasp Zhou Enlai's outlook on life, and take the perspective of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. To study and discuss the contemporary value of Zhou Enlai's outlook on life is of great importance to solve the problems existing in the outlook on life of contemporary college students and to educate and guide them to set up scientific outlook on life. This article mainly uses the literature research method and the system analysis method, can not only obtain the basic understanding to Zhou Enlai's outlook on life origin, the basic content and the main characteristic. It can also be combined with the current situation of contemporary college students' outlook on life, so as to provide a reference for solving the problem of contemporary college students' outlook on life. The article mainly includes the following parts: The first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces the background, significance, research status, research methods and innovations. The second chapter summarizes the formation of Zhou Enlai's outlook on life. Including the influence of the atmosphere of the times, the guidance of school education, the influence of family environment and their own efforts and self-cultivation. The third chapter summarizes the basic content of Zhou Enlai's outlook on life. That is, the purpose of "serving the people wholeheartedly", the ideal of "striving for communism all one's life", the life value of "indifferent to fame and wealth, selfless devotion" and "self-improvement." Positive and optimistic attitude towards life. Chapter 4th abstracts the main features of Zhou Enlai's outlook on life, that is, epoch, nationality, world, and revolution. Scientific and practical. Chapter 5th analyzes the current situation of contemporary college students' outlook on life, including the mainstream, existing problems and reasons. 6th chapter expounds the contemporary value of Zhou Enlai's outlook on life. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of the present situation of contemporary college students' outlook on life, this paper discusses the enlightenment of Zhou Enlai's outlook on life to the society, universities, families and individuals in order to actively create a good atmosphere and effectively carry out the education of college students' outlook on life. Promote the formation and establishment of contemporary college students' scientific outlook on life. The innovation of this paper is mainly reflected in two aspects: first, the innovation of the research content. This paper summarizes the formation of Zhou Enlai's outlook on life, summarizes the basic content and main characteristics of the outlook on life of Zhou Enlai. The research content is innovative. Second. On the basis of analyzing the origin, basic content and main characteristics of Zhou Enlai's outlook on life. It can explain the contemporary value of Zhou Enlai's outlook on life according to the present situation of contemporary college students' outlook on life.


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