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发布时间:2018-02-03 07:18

  本文关键词: 大学生 团体操 校园体育文化 影响 出处:《西安体育学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:团体操是一项复杂而细致的系统工程,它集体育与多种艺术形式于一体,融体育、舞蹈、音乐、美术为一炉,是以体育类表演内容和一些艺术表演形式为主的一项群众性的综合表演项目。作为校园体育文化的重要组成部分,团体操己经成为现代大学校园文化传播的主要途径之一,对高校建设校园体育文化有着积极的影响。学生通过参与团体操的学习和表演,培养了学生的综合素质,并通过团体操活动对原有的校园文化进行了继承和发展,对推进校园体育文化建设有着积极地促进作用。 本文从部分高校开展团体操活动的情况,以及团体操对校园体育文化建设的影响和促进策略方面进行研究,依此来了解高校学生的参与意识,培养和提高大学生参与集体活动的积极性和自觉性,希望对高校学生更好的开展课外体育活动和营造和谐、浓厚的校园体育文化氛围,全面提高高校的育人质量提供一定的参考。 本研究采用了文献资料法,教师访问法,问卷调查法和数理统计法对西安市高校团体操活动的开展现状,大学生参与校园团体操活动的情况,以及团体操对校园体育文化建设的影响进行了理论研究。不仅对校园体育文化建设的现状进行调查研究,还分析了团体操对培养高校学生素质的价值,最后从团体操对校园体育文化建设在物质、精神、制度三个层面的影响进行分析,得出结论如下: (1)团体操以它丰富的内容,展现出渲染和凝聚功能、创新功能、欣赏功能、教育和传播功能吸引着越来越多的大学生参与到表演中来,团体操活动的开展成为展现各高校综合实力的载体,为大学生校园体育文化风采的提供了一个精彩舞台。 (2)团体操对大学生的体育精神的培养起到了重要作用,对培养多种人才,提高学校知名度起到了推动作用。 (3)高校体育重在培养兴趣,培养良好的体育道德和体育精神,,而我国高校校园体育精神层相对匮乏,需要人们加深对体育精神的理解。体育制度层限制较宽,误区较多。 (4)团体操对培养高校学生的素质分别体现在教育价值、健身价值和美育价值等方面,不仅能够磨练学生的团队合作意志,而且陶冶情操增强表演者运动系统的功能。 (5)团体操的开展一方面给校园文化建设提供了机遇:它不仅对学校有很好的宣传作用还培养了学生的道德品质和身体素质。另一方面,团体操的出现也带来了挑战,经费的来源情况成为主要原因,还有编排人员以及组织管理机构等,都制约着团体操活动的开展。
[Abstract]:Group calisthenics is a complex and meticulous systematic engineering, which integrates sports with various artistic forms, and integrates sports, dance, music and art. As an important part of campus sports culture, it is a mass comprehensive performance project with sports performance content and some art performance forms as the main form. Group calisthenics has become one of the main ways to spread campus culture in modern universities and has a positive impact on the construction of campus sports culture. Students participate in the study and performance of group calisthenics. The comprehensive quality of the students has been cultivated, and the original campus culture has been inherited and developed through group calisthenics, which has an active role in promoting the construction of campus sports culture. This article from some colleges and universities to carry out group calisthenics activities, as well as the impact of group calisthenics on campus sports culture construction and promotion strategies for the study, in order to understand the participation of college students consciousness. Cultivate and improve the enthusiasm and awareness of college students to participate in collective activities, hoping to better carry out extracurricular sports activities for college students and create a harmonious, strong campus sports culture atmosphere. To improve the quality of education in colleges and universities to provide a certain reference. This study adopts the method of literature, teacher visit, questionnaire and mathematical statistics to Xi'an university group calisthenics activities of the status quo, college students participate in campus group calisthenics activities. And the influence of group calisthenics on campus sports culture construction is studied theoretically. Not only the present situation of campus sports culture construction is investigated, but also the value of group calisthenics in cultivating college students' quality is analyzed. Finally, the paper analyzes the influence of group calisthenics on the physical, spiritual and institutional aspects of campus sports culture construction, and draws the following conclusions: Group calisthenics with its rich content, showing the rendering and cohesion function, innovative function, appreciation function, education and communication functions attract more and more college students to participate in the performance. The development of group calisthenics has become the carrier to show the comprehensive strength of colleges and universities, and provides a wonderful stage for the sports culture of college students. Group calisthenics plays an important role in the cultivation of college students' sports spirit, promotes the cultivation of various talents and improves the popularity of the school. 3) physical education in colleges and universities focuses on cultivating interest, cultivating good sports morality and spirit, while the level of sports spirit in colleges and universities in our country is relatively lacking. It is necessary for people to deepen their understanding of sports spirit. 4) the quality of group calisthenics is embodied in educational value, fitness value and aesthetic education value respectively, which not only can hone students' team cooperation will. And edify sentiment to enhance the performance of the performance of the sports system. The development of group calisthenics on the one hand provides an opportunity for the construction of campus culture: it not only has a good propaganda role to the school, but also raises the students' moral quality and physical quality. On the other hand. The emergence of group calisthenics also brings challenges, the source of funds as the main reason, as well as choreographer and organization and management agencies, which restrict the development of group calisthenics activities.


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