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发布时间:2018-02-04 09:21

  本文关键词: 辅导员 队伍建设 激励机制 优化设计 出处:《云南师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高校辅导员承担着大学生思想政治教育、日常事务管理、心理健康教育、职业规划指导等多项工作,是大学生成长成才的直接引导者和领路人,是高校稳定和发展的重要保障。组织好、建设好高校辅导员这支队伍,对于加强大学生思想政治教育,促进高等学校改革、发展和稳定,具有十分重要的意义。为了促进保证辅导员队伍充分发挥作用,激励机制的运用非常关键。当前,在很多高校中,辅导员的激励机制并不完善,他们承担着大量工作,但是却得不到应有的重视,主要表现在:激励目标、方式不够完善;缺乏长期激励机制;考核机制存在缺陷;分配欠公平等等,这些问题将极大挫伤辅导员的工作积极性,因此为了激发辅导员的工作热情,提升工作积极性、能动性,保证辅导员队伍在合理公平的激励机制下有效运行,本文以华东师范大学为例试图探讨辅导员激励机制的合理办法,切实加强辅导员队伍建设。 本文采用文献综述法、问卷调查法、个案研究法,首先阐述了激励机制的相关概念以及理论派别和内涵,为全文研究奠定理论基础,之后以华东师范大学为例,呈现了目前华东师范大学辅导员队伍的基本状况,从中分析了华东师范大学辅导员激励机制存在的问题以及产生的原因,然后,针对这些问题结合激励机制的相关理论对华东师范大学激励机制进行优化设计,最后总结了完善之后的激励机制在华东师范大学实施后的效果评价,其中有些方案被采纳,有些仍待在实践中验证,全文末尾进一步强调了辅导员激励机制的重要性,希望此方案也能在实践中得到应用,并提出各高校要针对本校特点有针对性地制定激励机制。
[Abstract]:College counselors are responsible for ideological and political education, daily affairs management, mental health education, career planning guidance and many other work, is the direct guide and guide for the growth of college students. It is an important guarantee for the stability and development of colleges and universities. To organize and build a good team of college counselors can strengthen the ideological and political education of college students, promote the reform, development and stability of colleges and universities. In order to promote the full play of the role of counselors, the use of incentive mechanism is very critical. At present, in many colleges and universities, the incentive mechanism of counselors is not perfect. They are undertaking a great deal of work, but they can't get the attention they deserve, mainly in the following aspects: motivating the goal, the way is not perfect; Lack of long-term incentive mechanism; There are defects in the examination mechanism; Unfair distribution and so on, these problems will greatly dampen the work enthusiasm of counselors, so in order to stimulate the work enthusiasm of counselors, improve the work enthusiasm, initiative. This paper takes East China normal University as an example to try to discuss the reasonable methods of the counselors' incentive mechanism and strengthen the counselors' team construction. In this paper, literature review method, questionnaire survey method, case study method, first elaborated the incentive mechanism related concepts and theoretical schools and connotations, for the full text of the theoretical basis for the study. Then take East China normal University as an example, presents the current basic situation of counselors in East China normal University, and analyzes the problems and causes of the incentive mechanism of counselors in East China normal University. Aiming at these problems and combining the relevant theory of incentive mechanism, the paper optimizes the design of incentive mechanism of East China normal University, and finally summarizes the effect evaluation of the incentive mechanism after its implementation in East China normal University. Some of the programs are adopted, some are still waiting to be verified in practice. At the end of the paper, the importance of the incentive mechanism of counselors is further emphasized, and it is hoped that this scheme can also be applied in practice. It also points out that colleges and universities should formulate incentive mechanism in accordance with the characteristics of the university.


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