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发布时间:2018-02-04 15:25

  本文关键词: 民办高校 武汉江南专修学院 目标市场 市场定位 出处:《北方工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:武汉江南专修学院是武汉大学主考专业的承办院校,本文以市场营销学相关理论为基础,对学院做出具体的分析,并且通过对武汉江南专修学院的现状和当前外部环境的分析,以及通过对市场细分和定位的问题深入研究,在经过总体分析后,为武汉江南专修学校未来的发展明确目标市场营销战略,从而为学院确定发展方向。 通过研究得出以下结论:在当前教育竞争日益激烈的大背景下,武汉江南专修学院要根据自身的特点,提高自主能动性,来提高自身竞争优势,抓住二线中下城市和三线城市这个主要目标,运用集中化的营销战略,来进行招生。同时,武汉江南专修学院要提高办学的自主性,要根据当地的就业市场和家长对于专业的需求进行专业的设置,同时也要和当地政府机构联合起来,这样一方面可以提高学校的社会认可度,一方面可以提高就业机会。武汉江南专修学院主要竞争对手武汉金融专修学院把主要精力放在了加强经济领域的教育和增加学校的硬件设施,武汉江南专修学院在确定了自身的目标市场以后,不采取硬碰硬的方式,而是继续发展自身的优势,根据市场需求开设特色专业,并且通过签定就业合同保证一些专业的对口就业,以通过这样的市场定位来吸引生源。
[Abstract]:Wuhan Jiangnan Polytechnic College is the undertaking college of Wuhan University. Based on the theory of marketing, this paper makes a concrete analysis of the college. And through the analysis of the current situation and the current external environment of Wuhan Jiangnan College, and through the in-depth study of market segmentation and positioning, after the overall analysis. Make clear the target marketing strategy for the future development of Wuhan Jiangnan specialized school, thus determine the development direction for the college. Through the study, the following conclusions are drawn: under the background of the increasingly fierce educational competition, Wuhan Jiangnan Polytechnic College should improve its own initiative and competitive advantage according to its own characteristics. We should grasp the main target of the second and third tier cities and use the centralized marketing strategy to recruit students. At the same time, Wuhan Jiangnan specialized College should improve the autonomy of running a school. According to the local job market and parents for the professional needs of professional settings, but also with the local government agencies together, on the one hand can improve the social recognition of schools. On the one hand, it can improve employment opportunities. Wuhan Institute of Finance, the main competitor of Wuhan Jiangnan Polytechnic College, has focused on strengthening education in the economic field and increasing the hardware facilities of the school. Wuhan Jiangnan Polytechnic College, after determining its own target market, does not take the hard way, but continues to develop its own advantages, according to the market needs to set up special specialties. And by signing employment contracts to ensure some professional counterpart employment, in order to attract students through such market positioning.


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