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发布时间:2018-02-07 16:47

  本文关键词: 励志影视剧 大学生 影响 对策 出处:《南京农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:电影电视作为目前拥有最多受众的艺术形式,它渗透着创作者对生活的认识和评价;它是一种文化产业,更是一种创意文化产业,甚至是一种核心性创意文化产业,具有极大的文化力和文化影响力。“励志”与影视文化的联姻,造就了一种有着显著文化特征和丰富德育内涵的影视作品—励志影视作品。它通过表现美的心灵、美的行为、美的意境、美的歌曲,来抒发人的情感,激发人的能量,指引着人们在人生道路上前行,使人们在欣赏影视剧的过程中潜移默化地接受教育,受到感染。 影视作品并没有在个体身上产生可以确认的影响,但是它却发挥了意识形态方面的作用,它对被称之为“屏幕教育”成长起来的大学生而言,已经成为他们生活中不可或缺的一部分。剧中人物的言论、行为及思想对整个社会尤其是大学生的意志、生活态度、行为方式、人格塑造等方面有着潜移默化的影响。励志影视作品作为一种类型剧,它肩负着弘扬主流文化与社会意识的任务。励志影视剧的励志性和教育性的特征决定了它成为一种有效的教育载体的可能性。它不仅可以激发大学生的情感,塑造大学生的人格,更是对高校思想政治理论课教学的一种有益的补充。同时充分运用励志电影和电视剧,也是对高校教育中相对滞后的励志教育和德育教育是一种有效的补充。李岚清说:“运用优秀的影片对青少年进行教育,一定是个行之有效的方法。所以文章的研究对于大众媒体正面影响受众有着积极的意义。 通过梳理国内外学者对励志影视作品的研究,结合励志影视作品对大学生影响的调查问卷的分析,可以发现目前国内励志影视文化的软实力较弱;大学生更倾向于选择观看好莱坞励志影视作品;另外,大学生在观看的过程中,不能有效地将从影视作品中获取的道德认知转化到自身的道德行为中。这些问题需要学校、媒体和政府共同努力,采取相应的对策和措施,才能有效地发挥励志影视作品对大学生的积极影响,促进大学生的全面发展。
[Abstract]:As an art form with the largest audience at present, film and television permeates the creators' understanding and evaluation of life; it is a cultural industry, a creative cultural industry, and even a core creative cultural industry. It has great cultural power and cultural influence. The marriage of "inspirational" and film and television culture has created a kind of film and television works with remarkable cultural characteristics and rich moral connotation. Beautiful mood, beautiful songs, to express people's feelings, stimulate human energy, guide people in the way of life, so that people in the process of watching film and television drama to receive education, be infected. Film and television do not have an identifiable impact on individuals, but they play an ideological role, for college students who have grown up as "screen education." It has become an indispensable part of their lives. The speech, behavior and thought of the characters in the play are of the will, attitude and behavior of the society as a whole and of college students in particular. Personality shaping and other aspects have a subtle impact. Inspirational film and television works as a type of play, It shoulders the task of carrying forward mainstream culture and social consciousness. The motivational and educational characteristics of inspirational film and television drama determine the possibility that it can become an effective educational carrier. Shaping the personality of college students is a useful supplement to the teaching of ideological and political theory in colleges and universities. At the same time, we should make full use of inspirational movies and TV dramas. It is also an effective supplement to the inspirational and moral education that lags behind in higher education. Li Lanqing said: "use excellent films to educate young people. It must be an effective method. Therefore, the research of this paper has positive significance for the mass media to positively influence the audience. Through combing the domestic and foreign scholars' research on inspirational film and television works, combined with the analysis of questionnaire on the influence of inspirational film and television works on college students, we can find that the soft power of domestic inspirational film and television culture is weak at present; College students are more likely to choose to watch Hollywood inspirational films and television works. In addition, college students can not effectively translate the moral cognition gained from the film and television works into their own moral behavior. These problems need the school. With the joint efforts of the media and the government, the corresponding countermeasures and measures can be taken to effectively exert the positive influence of inspirational film and television works on college students and to promote the all-round development of college students.


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