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发布时间:2018-02-10 22:47

  本文关键词: 网络 网络思想政治教育 思想政治教育主题网站 网站建设 出处:《兰州理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着网络的逐渐发展,其对学生的思想、生活和学习也带来了深刻的影响,不仅给传统的思想政治教育带来了巨大的机遇,与此同时,网络及其所产生的网络文化对高校学生的传统道德观念、人生价值取向、理想信念教育等发起了挑战和冲击。面对这种情况,在国家政策的号召下,大部分高校建立了思想政治教育主题网站,针对网络的利弊,探索合理的网络思想政治教育模式。从我国高校目前状况而言,利用网络进行思想政治教育正在探索中,合理地完善和发展我国的思想政治教育主题网站,提高网站利用率、提升网站实用性、扩大网站影响范围并最终达到提高学生的思想素质的目的,是我国高校思政工作者要解决的主要问题。本文在马克思主义理论指导下,以思想政治教育学、传播学、心理学为基础,以兰州理工大学“红柳网”为例,通过对其系统地调研和分析,为我国高校思想政治教育主题网站的发展提供一些可行性的建议,使高校网络思想政治教育主题网站得以在全国推广。 论文分为六个部分,第一部分是绪论,介绍了本文的研究背景、国内外研究现状、论文的整体框架等论文相关问题;第二部分主要涉及高校网络思想政治教育的建设问题,对高校网络思想政治教育主题网站的背景、发展历程、特点、功能、原则、任务等进行阐述;第三部分是通过抽样调查和问卷调查,对高校思想政治教育主题网站的现状进行分析;第四部分则是通过“红柳网”,对高校思想政治教育主题网站建设提出具体的建议;最后一部分为结语部分,是对研究成果的总结。
[Abstract]:With the gradual development of the network, it has a profound influence on students' thought, life and study. It not only brings great opportunities to the traditional ideological and political education, but also brings great opportunities. The network and its network culture have challenged and impacted the traditional moral concept, the value orientation of life and the education of ideals and beliefs of college students. In the face of this situation, under the call of national policy, Most colleges and universities have established the ideological and political education theme website, aimed at the advantages and disadvantages of the network, explore the reasonable network ideological and political education mode. From the current situation of colleges and universities in our country, the use of the network to carry out ideological and political education is exploring. To improve and develop the ideological and political education website in our country reasonably, to improve the utilization rate of the website, to enhance the practicability of the website, to expand the influence range of the website and to achieve the goal of improving the students' ideological quality. This paper, under the guidance of Marxist theory, takes ideological and political education, communication and psychology as the basis, and takes "Hongliu net" of Lanzhou University of Technology as an example. Through the systematic investigation and analysis, this paper provides some feasible suggestions for the development of ideological and political education theme websites in colleges and universities in our country, so that the network ideological and political education theme websites of colleges and universities can be popularized in the whole country. The paper is divided into six parts, the first part is the introduction, introduced the research background, domestic and foreign research status, the overall framework of the paper and other related issues; the second part mainly involves the construction of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. The background, development course, characteristics, functions, principles and tasks of the network ideological and political education theme website in colleges and universities are expounded. The third part is through sampling investigation and questionnaire survey. This paper analyzes the current situation of ideological and political education theme websites in colleges and universities. The 4th part puts forward concrete suggestions for the construction of ideological and political education theme websites through Hongliu.net; the last part is the conclusion part. It is a summary of the research results.


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1 王任;高校思想政治教育主题网站传播效果研究[D];河海大学;2005年

2 戚涛;高校思想政治教育主题网站实证研究[D];广西师范大学;2006年

3 李层;我国高校红色网站的现状和发展策略研究[D];华中科技大学;2006年




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