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发布时间:2018-02-20 20:01

  本文关键词: 敬业度 工作绩效 高校教师 地方民族大学 出处:《吉首大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The research on the relationship between engagement and work performance is a hot issue in human resource management. The engagement of college teachers is closely related to their work performance and teaching quality. It is an effective way to improve the teaching quality of colleges and universities. Local universities for nationalities are located in minority areas, and they tend to occupy cities outside the provincial capital. The level of economic and social development is relatively backward, the conditions for running schools are very limited, and there are few opportunities for exchange of teachers and talents in colleges and universities. Many college teachers, especially young teachers, lack the motivation, enthusiasm and performance of their work. The study of the correlation between teachers' engagement and teachers' work performance in local universities for nationalities is helpful to further understand the importance of teacher engagement management, clarify the path to improve teachers' engagement, and enhance teachers' work performance. In this paper, 234 teachers from Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Western Hunan, Guizhou and Sichuan are selected as samples, and some suggestions are provided for the theory and practice of human resource management in local universities for nationalities. Based on the two dimensions of focus work and identity organization, this paper analyzes the effects of five factors: job characteristics, pay equity, local belonging, environmental atmosphere and development opportunities. The results are as follows: job characteristics. The path coefficients of the focus work measurement dimension, which has positive influence on teachers' engagement, are 0.6950.227 and 0.161, respectively. The path coefficients of the measurement dimension of teachers' engagement were 0.650.451 and 0.24. among the two dimensions, job characteristics were the most important factors. The pay equity factor is the second important factor, among which the work environment and the local sense of belonging are also the more important factors. The paper also uses the fuzzy mathematics method to evaluate the work performance of the teachers in the local universities for nationalities. It was found that the job performance evaluation score of teachers in local universities for nationalities was 3.7568, and the overall level was good. However, when analyzing the difference of population characteristics, it was found that female teachers had a higher level of comprehensive quality and scientific research. On the other hand, male teachers were slightly higher in teaching than female teachers. The performance of teachers over 50 years old was lower than that of teachers aged 41-50 years. Job performance is relatively strong. The performance of undergraduate teachers is slightly lower. Finally, this paper makes a correlation analysis between the two dimensions of engagement and the three dimensions of job performance, the conclusion is in line with the original assumptions one, two, three. Finally, the article from the country, Colleges and universities and teachers put forward countermeasures and suggestions, that is, at the national level to continue to increase the financial support of universities in local minority areas; to further implement the policy measures to help and support counterparts; to establish a fair and reasonable compensation system in colleges and universities. Improve the incentive system; create a good working environment; strengthen the management of teachers' career planning; establish a quality and quantity of teaching evaluation standards to improve teachers' performance; evaluate scientific research results reasonably. Teachers should fully arouse their enthusiasm for scientific research. Teachers should strengthen their own professional ethics and enhance their comprehensive quality.


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