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发布时间:2018-02-22 10:29

  本文关键词: 高校 烟威地区 体育社团 对策 出处:《鲁东大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高校体育社团是学生社团的重要组成部分,对于丰富学生课余文化生活、锻炼和提高学生综合能力起到了很好的推动作用;同时,体育社团活动作为高校课外体育的重要组织形式,也是高校体育教学的第二课堂。2010年第三次国民体质检测结果显示,,与2005年相比,大学生身体素质在缓慢下降,而当前高校体育工作仍然是高等教育最为薄弱的环节之一,常规的体育课程教学无法满足学生锻炼身体的需要。因此,体育社团活动在高校中的开展有其存在的必要性,对高校体育社团的发展研究也有其重要的现实意义。 本研究以烟威地区7所高校的体育社团为研究对象,运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法等方法,对这7所高校体育社团的发展现状、存在问题及相关对策进行了较为全面的分析研究。 研究结果表明:烟威高校体育社团在高校社团中占有一定的比重,而且涉及的项目范围较广,反映了当代大学生广泛的体育爱好和需求;但高校对体育社团的支持力度明显不够,对体育社团的经费投入、场地设施提供支持不足;社团参与成员性别结构基本合理,但年级结构失衡,人员流动性较大;社团的规章制度较健全,但管理制度不完善,缺乏有效的评估和监管;社团法律意识淡薄;社团活动的组织形式较单一,未能实现多样化组织;社团活动缺少经费,场地不能有效保证。 针对上述现状及问题,对烟威高校体育社团今后的开展提出相关对策和建议:一,建立新型的课内课外一体化的体育课程结构;二,加强校园体育文化建设;三,建立科学的管理体制;四,增强社团在活动中的法律规范意识;五,多视角、多层次开展对高校体育社团的的相关研究,促进其向更高层次发展。将高校体育社团的组织活动作为课外体育活动与体育教学活动相结合的方式开展,能更为有效的提高大学生的综合素质,形成体育健身意识,从而树立“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作五十年,幸福生活一辈子”的健康理念。
[Abstract]:Sports associations in colleges and universities are an important part of student associations, which have played a good role in enriching students' after-school cultural life, exercising and improving students' comprehensive ability; at the same time, As an important organization form of extracurricular sports in colleges and universities, sports community activities are also the second class of physical education in colleges and universities. The results of the third national physique test in 2010 show that the physical fitness of college students is declining slowly compared with 2005. At present, physical education in colleges and universities is still one of the weakest links in higher education, and the traditional teaching of physical education courses can not meet the needs of students' physical training. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out sports association activities in colleges and universities. It is also of practical significance to study the development of sports associations in colleges and universities. This study takes the sports associations of 7 colleges and universities in Yanwei area as the research object, using the methods of literature, questionnaire, logic analysis, mathematical statistics and so on, to analyze the present situation of the development of sports associations in these seven colleges and universities. The existing problems and related countermeasures are analyzed and studied comprehensively. The results show that the sports associations of Yanwei University occupy a certain proportion in the university associations, and involve a wide range of projects, reflecting the extensive sports interests and needs of contemporary college students; However, the support for sports associations in colleges and universities is obviously insufficient, the funds input to sports associations, the provision of facilities and facilities are insufficient, the gender structure of community participants is basically reasonable, but the grade structure is out of balance, and the mobility of personnel is greater. The rules and regulations of the association are relatively sound, but the management system is not perfect, and it lacks effective evaluation and supervision; the legal consciousness of the association is weak; the organization form of the association activities is relatively single, and it fails to realize the diversification of the organization; the association activity lacks the funds. The site is not guaranteed effectively. In view of the above situation and problems, this paper puts forward some relevant countermeasures and suggestions for the future development of the sports associations in Yanwei University: first, to establish a new type of physical education curriculum structure which is integrated within and outside classes; second, to strengthen the construction of campus sports culture; third, Establish a scientific management system; fourth, enhance the awareness of the legal norms in the activities of the community; fifthly, carry out the related research on the sports associations in colleges and universities from multiple perspectives and levels, In order to promote its development to a higher level, it is more effective to improve the comprehensive quality of college students and form the consciousness of physical fitness by taking the organizing activities of sports associations in colleges and universities as a combination of extracurricular sports activities and physical education activities. Thus set up the health concept of "exercise an hour a day, work healthily for 50 years and live a happy life".


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