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发布时间:2018-02-25 06:27

  本文关键词: 大学生思想政治教育 具身认知理论 启示 出处:《南京信息工程大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当前,随着改革开放的推进,全球化的加剧以及市场经济的影响,人们的价值观念、精神生活受到了空前的挑战。人们的主体意识、自由度逐渐扩大,思想的多元化使得人民群众难以形成确定的社会共识,对于社会主义核心价值体系产生巨大的冲击。与当下这种急剧转型、变化的社会形势相比,大学生思想政治教育系统并没有做出相应的调适。具身认知理论是当代认知科学的发展中以及和第三代认知科学的涌现后形成的一种重要的认知理论路向,因其认知方式的科学性以及认知效果的有效性成为认知科学分支学科进一步拓展和深化的理论源泉。思想政治教育是一种特殊的认知活动,主要是对马克思主义基本理论及其中国化的理论成果展开的认知活动。通过将认知科学领域时兴的具身认知思想引入到大学生思想政治教育领域,将会对大学生思想政治教育理论与实践起到有效的改善作用。 从具身认知的视角看,当下大学生思想政治教育系统在主体、内容、方式等要素都存在一系列突出的问题:忽视学生的主体地位、教学方式陈旧,缺乏互动性,教育内容缺少对学生的人文关怀和情感关怀。以具身认知理论作为指导需要在实践中树立大学生思想政治教育系统观,将大学生思想政治教育作为系统工程建设;充分发挥受教育者的主体性,真正体现出对教育过程中“以人为本”,实现“人的自由全面发展”;优化大学生思想政治教育的内外部环境,为大学生思想政治教育系统的有机运行提供动态环境。
[Abstract]:At present, with the development of reform and opening up, the aggravation of globalization and the influence of market economy, people's values and spiritual life are facing unprecedented challenges. The diversity of ideas makes it difficult for the people to form a certain social consensus, which has a huge impact on the socialist core value system. The ideological and political education system of college students has not been adjusted accordingly. The theory of cognition with body is an important way of cognitive theory formed in the development of contemporary cognitive science and after the emergence of the third generation of cognitive science. Ideological and political education is a special cognitive activity because of its scientific cognitive style and the effectiveness of cognitive effect, which has become the theoretical source of further expansion and deepening of the branch of cognitive science. It is mainly about the cognitive activities of the basic theory of Marxism and its theoretical achievements in China. By introducing the fashionable cognitive thoughts in the field of cognitive science into the field of ideological and political education of college students, It will improve the theory and practice of ideological and political education for college students. From the perspective of personal cognition, there are a series of outstanding problems in the ideological and political education system of college students at present, such as the main body, the content, the way and so on: ignoring the students' main position, the teaching method is old, the lack of interaction, etc. The content of education is short of humanistic and emotional care for students. It is necessary to set up a systematic view of college students' ideological and political education in practice under the guidance of the theory of personal cognition, and take the ideological and political education of college students as a systematic engineering construction. Give full play to the subjectivity of the educatees, truly reflect the "people-oriented" in the process of education, realize the "free and all-round development of human beings", optimize the internal and external environment of ideological and political education of college students, To provide a dynamic environment for the organic operation of the ideological and political education system of college students.


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