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发布时间:2018-02-27 15:45

  本文关键词: 创业教育 人才培养 地域特色 文化传统 社会责任感 出处:《世界教育信息》2015年21期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The school history of Wenzhou University can be traced back to the Wenzhou normal School, which was founded in 1933 by Mr. Huang Shuanchu, a famous patriot of Wenzhou in modern times. The school has a profound cultural background and a fine school tradition. Wenzhou University actively integrates local elements, continuously innovates the talent training mode, comprehensively strengthens the university student's innovation enterprise education, has established the talented person training mechanism which takes the quality education as the main line, unifies the general education with the specialized education organically. Committed to the cultivation of "emphasis on practice, strong innovation, can start a business, understand management, dare to undertake" high-quality applied talents. Since 2001, Wenzhou University in the whole school to carry out entrepreneurship education, encourage, support students innovation, entrepreneurship, In 2009, it set up an entrepreneurial talent training college operating at the department level and entity level. In order to understand the purpose of undertaking education in Wenzhou University, and how to promote the development of entrepreneurship education and ensure the quality of entrepreneurship education, In an interview with Chen Fusheng, secretary of the party committee of the school, Secretary Chen pointed out that Wenzhou's traditional culture and entrepreneurial spirit, rich in entrepreneurial resources, have had a positive impact on the development of entrepreneurship education in Wenzhou University; at present, China's economic and social development is in a period of transition, and any position requires entrepreneurship awareness and spirit. Colleges and universities should carry out entrepreneurship education according to their own orientation, educational level, educational resources, regional culture, surrounding environment, etc. Design different ways to start a business; Entrepreneurship education should be combined with professional education and quality education.
【作者单位】: 教育部教育管理信息中心;教育部教育管理信息中心世界教育信息杂志编辑部;


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