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发布时间:2018-03-01 05:08

  本文关键词: 价值教育 学校教育 实施对策 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:价值教育是产生于20世纪90年代的一种国际教育思潮。世界范围内全球各国政治、经济、文化的一体化导致多元化价值的冲突,在这种背景下,为应对教育中的价值观出现的危机,,价值教育的兴起是必然的趋势。价值教育是以寻求人的生存意义与价值、实现人的自我发展、提升人生境界为宗旨,是在教育实践中实现知识与价值的有机结合、形成合理的价值观的教育。我国价值教育的目的与内容的制定紧紧围绕着价值教育是要培养立足现实、直面生活、充满生活的信心,不断追求自我、超越自我的人的核心目标,努力实现全体受教育者素质全面、均衡的发展。 我国当代社会中现代人价值观念的迷失、教育现代化过程中存在的价值危机以及学校教育过程中由于缺乏价值教育而出现的各种问题,这些现象无一不反映出当前我国教育在价值教育方面存在着不可忽视的缺陷,在我国开展价值教育是必要的、刻不容缓的。价值教育是我国教育改革的一个重要方向,更是实现我国素质教育全面展开的必要途径。笔者通过对我国学校教育实践过程中由于缺乏价值教育而产生的诸多问题进行深入的探究,总结出我国学校教育中价值教育缺失的原因主要表现为以下四个方面:1、学校教育中重知识教育而轻价值教育;2、道德教育存在着价值缺失;3、价值教育目标与教育现状相偏离;4、学校价值教育的方式欠佳。根据价值教育欠缺原因的分析结果,笔者在对价值教育理论与实践的研究成果进行深入的学习和选择性的继承的前提下,结合我国学校教育的现状提出了在学校教育中实施价值教育的几点对策:1、确立价值教育的目标;2、树立价值教育的核心观念;3、采用多种价值教育方式;4、坚持价值教育与课程改革相结合;5、创新价值教育的实施方法;6、加强教育工作者的价值观建设。 价值教育对于我国教育的全面实现有着举足轻重的作用,而我国学校教育在价值教育方面存在的欠缺也是毋庸置疑的现实,我国教育工作的当务之急即是采用切实有效措施及途径来纠正已有的过失、解决存在的弊端。
[Abstract]:Value education is an international trend of thought in education which originated in 1990s. The integration of politics, economy and culture in the world leads to the conflict of pluralistic values in the world. In order to deal with the crisis of values in education, the rise of value education is an inevitable trend. The purpose of value education is to seek the meaning and value of human existence, to realize the self-development of human beings, and to promote the realm of life. The purpose and content of value education in our country is to cultivate the reality and face life closely around the value education, which is to realize the organic combination of knowledge and value in educational practice and to form a reasonable value education. Full of confidence in life, constantly pursue self, transcend the core goal of self, and strive to achieve a comprehensive and balanced development of all educatees. In the contemporary society of our country, the value concept of modern people is lost, the value crisis existing in the process of educational modernization and the various problems arising from the lack of value education in the process of school education. All these phenomena reflect that there are some defects in value education in our country. It is necessary and urgent to carry out value education in our country. Value education is an important direction of education reform in our country. It is also a necessary way to realize the all-round development of quality education in our country. The author deeply explores many problems arising from the lack of value education in the practice of school education in our country. The reasons for the lack of value education in school education in our country are summarized as follows: the following four aspects: 1: 1, the emphasis on knowledge education rather than value education in school education, the value deficiency in moral education, the goal of value education and the present situation of value education. According to the analysis results of the reasons for the lack of value education, the way of value education in schools is poor. On the premise of deep study and selective inheritance of the research results of the theory and practice of value education, Combined with the present situation of school education in our country, this paper puts forward some countermeasures of implementing value education in school education: 1, establishes the goal of value education, sets up the core idea of value education, adopts various ways of value education, and insists on value education. Combining education with curriculum reform, we should innovate the implementation method of value education and strengthen the construction of educational workers' values. Value education plays an important role in the overall realization of education in our country, and the lack of value education in school education in our country is an undeniable reality. The urgent task of our country's education work is to adopt practical and effective measures and ways to correct the existing mistakes and solve the problems.


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