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发布时间:2018-03-03 06:38

  本文选题:民办高校 切入点:薪酬体系 出处:《华北电力大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:教育在经济社会发展和民族振兴中具有先导性、基础性和全局性地位。一个国家教育事业的发展水平体现了一个国家的发展后劲,关系这一个国家民族的发展前途。在中国,教育事业的发展历来备受重视,教育作为中国发展的奠基石,围绕教育发展的话题经久不衰。大力发展教育事业,是发挥我国人力资源优势、建设创新型国家、加快推进社会主义现代化的必然选择。中国民办高校的发展进程历经岁月洗礼,已然成为我国教育体系的一个重要组成部分,并逐渐变为公有办学模式的有益补充。相比较于公立学校,中国民办高校在改善教师薪酬待遇,提高教师授课积极性进而推动我国高等教育事业的发展方面,有更多的改善和上升空间,这也是本论文要研究的主题思想。 中国民办高校在经历经济快速发展的浪潮中,也迎来了自身第二次发展的机遇,如何在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,办出民办高校自身的教学特色,进而吸引优秀的国内外人才加入,形成民办高校蓬勃发展的良性循环至关重要。 民办高校教师作为一种职业,同其他职业一样,也需要激励机制来激发教师的工作热情;同时,民办高校教师作为知识型员工,激励手段与其他类型的员工就有所不同,本论文正是本着上述主旨,借鉴国外高校教师薪酬分配制度的经验,参考国外民办高校成熟应用的教师薪酬体系,以薪酬管理的理论作为基础,将管理学、经济学、心理学的相关理论融入其中,通过对我国民办高校办学特色和教师薪酬制度的变迁的比较分析,选取适合民办高校教师职业特点的薪酬分配理论,对我国民办高校教师的薪酬体系改革方向提出了对策和建议,希望能为国内民办高校师资改革提供参考,以期为高校吸引并留住高水平人才,提高学校整体竞争力探寻到有效的途径。
[Abstract]:Education has a leading, basic and overall position in economic and social development and national rejuvenation. The level of development of a country's educational undertakings reflects the development stamina of a country and is related to the development prospects of the nation in this country. The development of education has always been attached great importance to. As the foundation stone of China's development, education has been around the topic of educational development for a long time. To vigorously develop education is to give full play to the advantages of our human resources and to build an innovative country. The inevitable choice to speed up the socialist modernization. The development process of private universities in China has become an important part of our educational system after years of baptism. Compared with the public schools, private colleges and universities in China improve the salary of teachers, improve the enthusiasm of teachers, and then promote the development of higher education in China. There is more room for improvement and improvement, which is also the main theme of this paper. In the tide of rapid economic development, private colleges and universities in China have also ushered in the opportunity of their second development. How to stand out in the fierce market competition and run private colleges and universities with their own teaching characteristics? It is of great importance to attract excellent talents from home and abroad to form a virtuous circle for the vigorous development of private colleges and universities. As a kind of profession, teachers in private colleges and universities, like other professions, also need incentive mechanism to stimulate teachers' enthusiasm for work. At the same time, teachers in private colleges and universities, as knowledge workers, are different from other types of employees. This thesis is based on the above purport, drawing lessons from the experience of foreign universities and colleges' salary distribution system, referring to the mature applied teachers' compensation system of foreign private colleges and universities, taking the theory of salary management as the basis, taking management science and economics as the basis. Through the comparative analysis of the characteristics of running schools and the changes of teachers' compensation system in private colleges and universities in China, this paper selects the theory of salary distribution suitable for the professional characteristics of teachers in private colleges and universities. This paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on the reform of teachers' salary system in private colleges and universities in China, hoping to provide references for the reform of teachers in private colleges and universities in China, in order to attract and retain high-level talents for colleges and universities. To improve the overall competitiveness of schools to explore effective ways.


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