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发布时间:2018-03-10 08:26

  本文选题:高校 切入点:美术类学生 出处:《山西农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生思想政治教育是高校教育工作的重中之重,大学生是祖国的未来和希望,他们的思想道德水平,直接影响着社会主义的现代化建设。美术类学生作为大学生群体中的一部分,有其自身的特殊性。美术类学生是国家的艺术人才,其思想政治水平直接影响着艺术事业的发展。目前由于教育体制的改革,高校各个专业都在扩招,美术类学生的人数也是与日俱增,这一特殊群体的思想政治教育问题也逐渐成为高校教育的一大难题。积极探索美术类学生的特殊性,深入分析他们的个性特点,充分认识到美术类学生思想政治教育的重要性,结合他们的特点,实行适合他们特点的教育方式,提高教育的实效性。 论文主要有七部分组成。第一部分导论主要论述了本论文研究的背景和意义,国内外的研究现状,通过研究现状分析现有的研究成果,运用新的研究方法,找出创新点。第二部分主要通过调查访问访谈等方式对美术类学生的突出特点总结分析,美术类学生具有思维活跃具有创新精神、情感丰富富有生活激情、个性鲜明自我意识突出、注重实际社会能力较强等特点。第三部分主要分析提高美术类学生思想政治教育实效性的意义:有助于培养美术类学生较高的政治素质、有益于塑造美术类学生良好的审美素养、有助于提高美术类学生全面的专业才能。要提高美术类学生思想政治教育的实效性,首先要分析目前教育实效性的现状,找出存在的问题,深层分析存在问题的原因,就其问题及成因提出有效的对策。第四部分分析目前高校美术类学生思想政治教育实效性存在的问题,从两个方面分析,一是教育方面存在的问题,教育内容针对性不强,教育方式单一不灵活;二是分析美术类学生表现出的问题,从学生身上体现出教育问题,美术类学生普遍存在思想意识淡薄、思想觉悟不高、集体观念较差等问题。第五部分就其存在的问题分析原因,主要有社会环境因素、学校内部因素、教育者等因素、学生自身因素等这几方面原因。第六部分针对存在的问题及分析原因,结合美术类学生的特殊特点提出增强实效性的对策,首先牢固树立立德树人的教育思想,从思想上认识到美术类学生的特殊性,不将他们与普通专业大学生混为一谈,积极创新适合他们的教育内容,结合他们的专业特色,采取科学有效的教育方法,最后在提高专职政工教师整体素质的同时发挥专业课的教育育人作用,发挥多方面因素,有效加强高校美术类学生思想政治教育的实效性。
[Abstract]:The ideological and political education of college students is the top priority of the education work in colleges and universities. College students are the future and hope of the motherland, and their ideological and moral level. Art students, as a part of college students, have their own particularities. Art students are national art talents. Its ideological and political level has a direct impact on the development of artistic undertakings. At present, due to the reform of the educational system, colleges and universities are expanding their enrollment for various specialties, and the number of art students is also increasing day by day. The ideological and political education of this special group has gradually become a difficult problem in higher education. We should explore the particularity of art students, analyze their personality characteristics, and fully realize the importance of ideological and political education for art students. Combine their characteristic, carry out the education method that suits their characteristic, improve the actual effect of education. The first part mainly discusses the background and significance of this paper, the research status at home and abroad, through the analysis of the existing research results, the use of new research methods, The second part summarizes and analyzes the outstanding characteristics of art students by means of investigation, interview, etc. It shows that art students have active thinking and innovative spirit, rich emotions and rich passion for life. The third part mainly analyzes the significance of improving the effectiveness of ideological and political education of art students: it is helpful to cultivate the higher political quality of art students. In order to improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education of art students, it is necessary to analyze the current situation of the actual results of education. Find out the existing problems, deeply analyze the causes of the problems, and put forward effective countermeasures on their problems and causes. Part 4th analyzes the problems existing in the ideological and political education of art students in colleges and universities, and analyzes them from two aspects. First, there are problems in education, the content of education is not targeted, the way of education is single and inflexible; the second is to analyze the problems shown by art students, which reflect the problems of education from the students. Art students generally have a weak ideological consciousness. Ideological awareness is not high, collective concepts are poor, and so on. Part 5th analyzes the reasons for its problems, mainly social environmental factors, internal school factors, educators and other factors. In 6th, according to the existing problems and the analysis of the reasons, combined with the special characteristics of the art students, the author puts forward some countermeasures to enhance the effectiveness, first of all, it firmly sets up the educational thought of Li de Shuren. Recognizing the particularity of art students from the ideological point of view, not mixing them with ordinary college students, actively innovating the educational contents suitable for them, combining their professional characteristics and adopting scientific and effective education methods, Finally, it can improve the overall quality of the full-time political teachers, at the same time give play to the role of education of professional courses, play a variety of factors, and effectively strengthen the effectiveness of ideological and political education of art students in colleges and universities.


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