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发布时间:2018-03-11 18:31

  本文选题:当代大学生 切入点:生命价值观 出处:《西北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:生命是宝贵的,作为高学历、高智商的大学生更应该懂得珍惜自己和他人的生命,可是近几年来,大学生自杀和他杀的暴力事件经常见于诸媒体,引起了全社会的关注。我们知道大学生是国家的栋梁、民族的希望,他们的身心是否健康不仅关系着自己的幸福,而且关系着家庭的安宁,更关系着学校和社会的和谐与稳定。因此,对大学生实施生命价值观教育是高校亟待解决的任务之一。 本文以大学生生命价值观教育为研究主题,以大学生为研究对象,由此展开对近年来先后出现的多起大学生自我伤害和伤害他人的现象和问题的专门性研究,期望能够从中分析产生这些问题的原因并提出相应地解决问题的方式途径。本文写作分为四个部分: 第一部分,,通过查阅资料,从大学生生命价值观的相关基本概念入手,由此比较系统地探讨当代大学生生命价值观教育理论的本质问题,为本文的后续问题研究奠定理论基础。 第二部分:以马克思主义关于生命价值观问题的相关论述、西方文化中有关生命教育思想的历史研究和中国传统文化中的生命哲学思想为立论基础,专门探讨了当代大学生生命价值观教育实现的理论依据。其后,对当代大学生生命价值观教育实现的必要性问题进行了较为系统的思考。 第三部分:以分析当前大学生生命价值观教育的现状为出发点,从家庭教育、学校教育、社会环境以及大学生个人的影响因素几个层面专门分析探讨了影响大学生生命价值观教育的主要因素。 第四部分:结合大学生的思想特点和学校的实际情况,对如何实现大学生生命价值观教育从基本原则和方式途径方面做了具体的论述和浅显的探讨。
[Abstract]:Life is precious. As students with high academic qualifications and high intelligence, they should know how to cherish the lives of themselves and others. However, in recent years, college students have committed suicide and the violent incidents of homicides are often seen in the media. We know that college students are the pillars of the country, the hope of the nation, whether their physical and mental health is not only related to their own happiness, but also to the peace of the family. Therefore, the implementation of life values education for college students is an urgent need to be solved by Ren Wuzhi. This article takes the life value education of college students as the research subject, and takes the university students as the research object, thus launching the specialized research on many phenomena and problems of the college students' self-harming and harming others that have appeared successively in recent years. It is expected that the causes of these problems can be analyzed and the corresponding ways to solve the problems can be put forward. This paper is divided into four parts:. The first part, through consulting data, starting with the basic concepts of college students' life values, and then systematically discussing the essence of contemporary college students' life value education theory. It lays a theoretical foundation for the further study of this paper. The second part is based on the related exposition of Marxism on life values, the historical research on life education thought in western culture and the life philosophy thought in Chinese traditional culture. This paper probes into the theoretical basis for the realization of contemporary college students' life values education, and then makes a more systematic thinking on the necessity of the realization of contemporary college students' life values education. The third part: to analyze the current situation of college students' life values education, from the family education, school education, The social environment and the influencing factors of college students' individual are analyzed and discussed in several aspects, and the main factors that affect the education of college students' life values are discussed. Part 4th: combined with the ideological characteristics of college students and the actual situation of the school, how to realize the education of life values of college students from the basic principles and ways to do a concrete discussion and simple discussion.


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