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发布时间:2018-03-12 14:08

  本文选题:社会结构 切入点:行政化 出处:《北京工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高校“行政化”问题是上世纪90年代以来常被热议的一个问题,但是究竟什么是“行政化”却是众说纷纭,难以给出个统一的标准,因此也有人反驳说我国高校并没有“行政化”。对于这个问题,本文从社会结构视角出发,利用“北京市专业技术人员收入分配与激励机制调查”的数据资料以及访谈资料,,综合定性研究与定量研究发现,高校的社会结构呈现出权力因素和技术因素共同配置资源和机会的结合状态,而不是单纯地由行政权力来决定高校事务的“行政化”状态。而且技术因素与权力因素的结合导致高校权力集中在了某一特殊群体身上,也就是说,真正在高校内拥有决定权的是那些兼任教学和管理工作的“双肩挑”群体,他们身兼学术职称,又有着行政级别,是校内行政职能部门领导或院系领导,管理着高校的行政事务和学术事务。 兼任教学与管理的“双肩挑”群体的产生有其一定的历史原因,在早期也发挥了积极作用,但是由于高校内的大部分资源和机会都掌握在他们的手中,这种权力的集中以及向上偏移,导致了高校出现了行政泛化,并由此产生了分配不公的问题。加之普通教师缺少民主参与高校事务的权利,使得普通教师群体和一般行政人员的工作积极性都不高,这些都严重影响了高校的良性发展。 为了解决上述问题,必须要从根源下手,才能起到治本之效。本文认为,高校的行政管理不可或缺,为了遏制行政权力泛化的影响,应当从高校现在的社会结构形态入手,分离权力因素和技术因素对校内资源和机会分配的影响,抑制学校行政权力的膨胀,扩大学术机构的权力,让行政权力服务于学术研究。
[Abstract]:The issue of "administration" in colleges and universities has been a hot topic since -10s, but there are different opinions on what is "administrative", and it is difficult to give a unified standard. Therefore, some people also retort that there is no "administrative system" in Chinese universities. For this problem, this paper, from the perspective of social structure, makes use of the data and interviews of "investigation of income Distribution and incentive Mechanism of Professional and Technical personnel in Beijing". Comprehensive qualitative and quantitative studies show that the social structure of colleges and universities presents a combination of power factors and technical factors in the allocation of resources and opportunities. It is not simply administrative power that determines the "administrative" state of university affairs. Moreover, the combination of technical factors and power factors leads to the concentration of university power on a special group, that is, Those who really have the right to make decisions in colleges and universities are those "shoulder-picking" groups who are concurrently engaged in teaching and management work. They have academic titles and have administrative levels. They are the heads of administrative departments or departments in schools. To manage the administrative affairs and academic affairs of colleges and universities. There are some historical reasons for the emergence of the "shoulder-picking" group in teaching and management, which also played a positive role in the early stage. However, most of the resources and opportunities in colleges and universities are in their hands. This kind of centralization and upward deviation of power has led to the generalization of administration in colleges and universities, and has resulted in the problem of unfair distribution. In addition, ordinary teachers lack the right to participate in the affairs of colleges and universities democratically. As a result, the working enthusiasm of ordinary teachers and administrative staff is not high, which seriously affects the benign development of colleges and universities. In order to solve the above problems, we must start with the root causes in order to deal with the root causes. This paper holds that the administration of colleges and universities is indispensable, and in order to contain the influence of the generalization of administrative power, we should start with the present social structure of colleges and universities. By separating the influence of power factors and technical factors on the distribution of resources and opportunities in schools, we can restrain the expansion of school administrative power, expand the power of academic institutions, and let administrative power serve academic research.


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1 王庆雨;;高等院校行政化的思考[J];辽宁教育行政学院学报;2010年05期

2 韩冰;;教育去行政化的社会瓶颈[J];w




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