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发布时间:2018-03-12 16:33

  本文选题:女大学生 切入点:爱情道德观 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:爱情观,作为价值观中的一种,要求人们对爱情的本质及道德要求进行深刻理解和把握,即明晰对待爱情的态度、看法及行为表现。 在马克思主义爱情观的指引下,笔者将爱情的本质定义为给予和奉献,并明确爱情是区别于友谊的高尚道德情感,它有着特定的道德要求:忠诚、责任、尊重、信任、勇气、分享等等。对爱情的忠诚,不仅是身体上的,也是情感上的;在爱情中,恋爱双方都要承担着相应的责任,彼此要相互关心、相互扶持,能够主动完善自身,加强学习和自我保护意识;爱情需要尊重,这种尊重除了指向对对方的感情、奉献和劳动成果等,还要注重爱情中的自尊、自重;爱情需要对对方的信任;爱,不仅要勇于大声说出来,为了爱情,更要有共同经受贫穷、克服挫折和困难的勇气;爱情也需要分享,这种分享不仅限于彼此的身体,同时也包括爱情生活中的快乐与痛苦,懂得分享,会使快乐加倍、悲伤减半。这是笔者对于爱情观的道德标准的界定。 在研究过程中,笔者主要采用问卷法,从爱情的本质和忠诚、责任、尊重、信任、勇气、分享共六个道德要求,对当代女大学生进行问卷调查。通过对女大学生爱情道德观的总体分析,并就不同专业、不同年级、所处的不同婚恋状况以及是否为独生女来进行比较分析,从而揭示出当代女大学生爱情道德观的现状及特点。笔者从社会因素、学校因素、家庭因素和个人因素四个方面总结女大学生爱情道德观现状形成的原因,具体表现为:物质利益的诱惑;传播媒体的普及;学校爱情教育的不足、学校管理方面的不足;家庭爱情教育的偏失、父母关系的影响、家庭结构的变化;个人生理、心理方面的影响等等。为了更好地加强对女大学生爱情道德观的教育与引导,一方面既要强化其在爱情道德方面的积极表现,另一方面要注重采取正确的教育对策,通过爱情教育课程、爱情心理咨询、爱情讨论会以及专题讲座等途径对女大学生爱情道德观加以引导。
[Abstract]:As one of the values, the concept of love requires people to have a profound understanding and grasp of the nature and moral requirements of love, that is, to make clear their attitude, views and behavior towards love. Under the guidance of Marxist view of love, the author defines the essence of love as giving and giving, and clarifies that love is a noble moral emotion different from friendship. It has certain moral requirements: loyalty, responsibility, respect, trust, courage, etc. Sharing, etc. Loyalty to love is not only physical, but also emotional; in love, both parties have to bear the corresponding responsibilities, care for each other, support each other, and be able to take the initiative to improve themselves, Strengthen the awareness of learning and self-protection; Love needs respect, which not only points to the feelings, dedication and achievements of labor, but also pays attention to self-esteem and self-respect in love; love requires trust in each other; love, The courage not only to speak out, but also to have the courage to endure poverty, overcome setbacks and difficulties, for the sake of love, and love needs to be shared, not only in each other's bodies, but also in the joys and pains of love life. Knowing how to share will double happiness and halve sadness. This is my definition of moral standards of love. In the course of the research, the author mainly adopts questionnaire method, from the nature of love and loyalty, responsibility, respect, trust, courage, sharing a total of six moral requirements, Through the overall analysis of female college students' love morality, and the different marriage and love situation of different majors, different grades, and whether they are the only child, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the love and marriage status of the female college students. The author summarizes the reasons for the formation of female college students' love morality from four aspects: social factors, school factors, family factors and personal factors. Specific manifestations are: the temptation of material interests; the popularity of the media; the lack of school love education, school management deficiencies; family love education bias, the impact of parental relations, changes in family structure; personal physiology, In order to strengthen the education and guidance of female college students' love morality, on the one hand, we should strengthen their positive performance in love morality, on the other hand, we should pay attention to taking correct educational countermeasures. Through the course of love education, love psychological consultation, love seminar and special lectures to guide female college students' love ethics.


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