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发布时间:2018-03-12 16:40

  本文选题:高校 切入点:教代会 出处:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:教职工代表大会(以下简称教代会)作为教职工依法参与学校民主管理和民主监督的基本形式,以及学校管理体制的重要组成部分,在提高学校民主管理水平中发挥着极其重要的作用。 自上世纪80年代以来,我国高校教代会制度逐渐完善,我国高校教代会建设也取得了很大的进展。但是,当前我国高校教代会工作仍然存在着一些与形势发展、时代要求不相适应的问题亟待解决。另外,新近出台的《学校教职工代表大会规定》作为新形势下各级各类学校建立与完善教代会的纲领性文件,也对高校教代会建设提出了进一步要求。正是基于上述考虑,本文试图通过深入调查了解我国高校教代会建设的现状,剖析我国高校教代会建设现存的问题,并在探究问题成因的基础上,为完善我国高校教代会建设提出合理的对策建议。 全文分为以下五个部分: 第一部分绪论主要介绍本文的选题背景、理论基础及研究方法,并对教代会的概念、性质、地位、职能等进行阐释,还重点对教代会相关研究成果进行了梳理分析和分类综述; 第二部分较为完整地呈现出了笔者深入调查了解我国高校教代会建设现状的调查过程及调查结果,并根据调查结果,深入剖析了我国高校教代会建设普遍存在的问题,主要包括:教代会代表队伍建设质量不高、教代会的职权并未全面落实、教代会提案工作亟需改善、高校工会工作缺位乏力等; 第三部分通过深入探究上述问题的成因,总结出制约我国高校教代会建设发展的五个不利因素,即:高校内部各方认识存在偏差、高校工会自身建设存在问题、高校教代会规章制度不健全、高校校务公开力度不够、高校教代会评估机制欠完善; 第四部分提出了完善我国高校教代会建设的七大对策建议,分别是:宣传落实《规定》、提高思想认识;优化教代会代表队伍;健全教代会组织机构;提升教代会提案实效;加强工会自身建设;深化校务公开;推进建章立制,加强考核监督。
[Abstract]:The Congress of the staff and Workers (hereinafter referred to as the Congress), as the basic form of participation of the teaching staff in the democratic management and supervision of schools according to law, and as an important part of the school management system, It plays an extremely important role in improving the level of democratic management in schools. Since -20s, the system of university representative meeting in our country has been gradually perfected, and great progress has been made in the construction of the conference. However, there are still some developments in the work of university representative meeting in our country. In addition, the newly issued provisions of the "School staff Congress" as a programmatic document for the establishment and improvement of educational representative meetings at all levels and all types of schools at all levels under the new situation, On the basis of the above considerations, this paper attempts to find out the current situation of the construction of the university representative conference in China, and analyze the existing problems in the construction of the conference. On the basis of probing into the causes of the problems, this paper puts forward some reasonable countermeasures and suggestions for perfecting the construction of the educational representative meeting in colleges and universities in our country. The full text is divided into the following five parts:. The first part of the introduction mainly introduces the background, theoretical basis and research methods of this paper, and explains the concept, nature, status and function of the conference. It also focuses on the analysis and classification of the related research results of the Congress. The second part presents the investigation process and results of the author's in-depth investigation and understanding of the current situation of the construction of the university representative meeting in China. According to the results of the investigation, the author deeply analyzes the common problems existing in the construction of the educational representative meeting in our country's colleges and universities. The main contents include: the quality of the construction of the representative team is not high, the functions and powers of the Congress are not fully implemented, the proposal work of the Congress needs to be improved urgently, the work of the trade union in colleges and universities is lacking and weak, etc. The third part summarizes the five unfavorable factors that restrict the development of the construction of the university representative meeting by deeply exploring the causes of the above problems, that is, the deviation of the understanding of the parties in the university, the problems of the construction of the university trade union itself. The rules and regulations of the university representative meeting are not perfect, the university affairs are not open enough, and the evaluation mechanism of the university educational representative meeting is not perfect; Part 4th puts forward seven countermeasures and suggestions to perfect the construction of the Congress in colleges and universities in China. They are: propagating and implementing "regulations", improving the ideological understanding; optimizing the representative team of the Congress; perfecting the organization and organization of the Congress; improving the actual effect of the proposal of the Congress; Strengthen the construction of trade unions; deepen the publicity of school affairs; promote the establishment of regulations, strengthen the supervision of assessment.


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