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发布时间:2018-03-12 17:30

  本文选题:全人教育 切入点:现状 出处:《西安工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Today the world is in a period of great development, great transformation, great readjustment, multipolarization of the world, in-depth development of economic globalization, and rapid development of science and technology. The competition for talents is becoming more and more intense. All of these will promote the higher education to change constantly in the course of social changes. The era of all-round development requires all-round development of talents. The all-round development of talents requires China's higher education to continuously explore new ways and methods of talent training in the field of talent training. In order to adapt to the ever-changing times and diverse talent needs, this paper expounds in detail the status quo, educational objectives, educational objectives, educational approaches, educational target systems, and so on, of whole-person education. Combined with the educational policy of the Party and the research on the comprehensive development of human beings in our country, this paper clarifies the deficiency and deficiency of education at present and the ways to develop education in universities. This paper is divided into six parts. The first chapter is the introduction. This paper introduces the purpose, significance, research status, methods and main contents of the whole person education. The second chapter expounds the concept of the whole person education, the introduction of the concept of the whole person education in history, the change of the whole person education in the historical development. The differences and relations between educational goals and university educational objectives, and the differences and relations between educational objectives and university educational aims. Chapter three deals with the Party's educational policy, the goals of all-person education in universities, and the relationship between the aims. Chapter 4th, through the educational objectives, generalizes general education. The relationship between the three aspects of quality education and the cultivation of talents explains the present situation of the cultivation of talents in universities in China. Chapter 5th deals with the establishment and implementation of the macro, micro and personal goal system of whole-person education, and expounds in detail the individual goals of college students. It includes value goals, health goals, academic goals, career goals, and life goals. Chapter 6th explains the path of college students' whole-person education from five aspects: theoretical education, educational practice, campus culture, educational management, family education; Human education is the common goal of human society and will change with the development of society.


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