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发布时间:2018-03-13 14:26

  本文选题:大学校标 切入点:演进概况 出处:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学校标是大学自身形象、办学理念和办学特色的浓缩和集中表现,是大学办学精神、历史积淀和文化内涵的载体。大学校标自身所具有的独特的性质和功能使其在当前我国大学文化建设中占据十分重要的位置。自中世纪大学产生之日起,大学校标就伴随着大学的发展而不断演变,直至今天形成自身独特的文化气质和精神品格。我国大学校标的发展,是在19世纪末20世纪初期,,随着民族危机的加重,真正现代意义上的大学的引进和建立而开始的。近代中国的大学校标,是在经历了对西方大学校标的模仿、借鉴和互相融合中逐渐发展起来的。西方大学精神的传播和中国民族传统文化的影响,使中国大学校标在发展中呈现出西方化与民族化相融合的情结,这对当代我国大学校标的发展和整体风貌产生了极其重要的影响。 文章从大学校标的概念、性质、特征和功能入手,首先界定了大学校标的基本概念,在大学校标与大学校徽、大学校训二者的比较中,总结出大学校标的艺术性、文化性、稳定性和象征性的基本特征,以及它自身所具有的两大基本功能:宣传功能和育人功能。文章简要分析了中西方大学校标的发展和演进概况,总结我国大学校标发展的影响因素,分别是政治环境的改变对大学校标的影响;民族传统文化对大学校标的影响;国际环境的变化对大学校标的影响。找出当前我国大学校标建设所存在的趋同化、定位不准、管理和宣传上的忽视以及大学校标的历史传承性不强的问题,针对存在问题,提出改善和加强我国大学校标建设的策略,分别从大学精神的传承和文化育人方面提出建议,即:大学校标要成为传承大学精神的稳定载体、要在创新前提下传承和发扬民族优秀文化、大学校标要彰显大学文化育人的本体功能;又从高校的办学特色和学校自身管理方面提出建议,即:大学校标要在准确定位下打造大学特色“名片”和大学校标要作为高校“无形资产”来加强管理和宣传。
[Abstract]:The big school standard is the image of the university itself, the condensed and concentrated expression of the idea and characteristics of running a university, and the spirit of running a university. The historical accumulation and the carrier of cultural connotation. The unique nature and function of the big school standard make it occupy a very important position in the current university culture construction of our country. With the development of the university, the big school standard has evolved continuously, until today it has formed its own unique cultural temperament and spiritual character. The development of the big school standard in our country was on the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century, with the aggravation of the national crisis. The introduction and establishment of a university in the true modern sense began. The big school standard in modern China has experienced imitation of the object of the big school in the West. The spread of the spirit of western universities and the influence of Chinese traditional culture make the development of Chinese universities show the complex of westernization and nationalization. This has had an extremely important influence on the development and overall style of our country's great school standard. Starting with the concept, nature, characteristics and functions of the big school standard, this paper first defines the basic concept of the big school standard. In the comparison between the big school standard and the university emblem, and the university motto, the author summarizes the art and culture of the big school standard. The basic characteristics of stability and symbolism, as well as its two basic functions: propaganda function and educating function. The influencing factors of the development of the big school standard in China are the influence of the change of the political environment on the big school standard, the influence of the national traditional culture on the big school standard, and the influence of the change of the political environment on the big school standard. The influence of the change of the international environment on the big school standard. Find out the problems existing in the construction of the big school standard in our country, such as assimilation, misorientation, neglect in management and propaganda, and the lack of historical inheritance of the big school standard. In view of the existing problems, This paper puts forward the strategies to improve and strengthen the construction of university standards in our country, and puts forward some suggestions from the aspects of the inheritance of university spirit and cultural education, that is, the big school standard should become the stable carrier of inheriting the university spirit. In order to inherit and carry forward the excellent culture of the nation under the premise of innovation, the university standard should highlight the Noumenon function of the university culture in educating people, and put forward some suggestions from the aspects of the characteristics of running a university and the management of the school itself. That is, under the accurate orientation, the big school standard should create the university characteristic "business card" and the big school mark should be regarded as the university "intangible asset" to strengthen the management and the propaganda.


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