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发布时间:2018-03-14 21:31

  本文选题:计算机双语教学 切入点:质量评价体系 出处:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高等学校开展双语教学是当今社会信息化和经济全球化的必然要求,也是我国高校教育改革与发展的必然趋势。教育部2001年夏秋之交出台的《关于加强高等学校本科教学工作提高教学质量的若干意见》指出:高校必须积极推动使用英语等外语进行公共课和专业课的教学,特别是在信息技术、生物技术、新材料技术等专业,在金融、法律等专业,以及国家发展急需的专业领域开展双语教学。国家重点建设高校,要力争在三年内,开出5%—10%的双语课程。尤其是在发展迅速的计算机学科领域,进行双语教学更是顺应时代发展的一种潮流,在这样的大背景下,对计算机双语教学质量进行定量评价,将对加强双语教育、深化教育改革、提高人才的培养质量具有重大的意义。 本文在调查研究的基础上,深入研究高校计算机双语教学质量及其现状,根据西南交通大学的办学特色和学科设置的特点,从介绍双语教学及其相关概念入手,通过对影响双语教学质量的各个因素进行深入分析,并借鉴国内外高校计算机双语教学质量评价体系的先进经验,从实际情况出发,设置和建立了一系列评价指标,并通过层次分析法、数学建模的运用,以及计算机软件的简单运算,建立了计算机双语教学质量模糊综合评价模型,并以西南交通大学计算机学科双语教学为例,进行了实证分析,设计了一套适用于其他学科的质量评价体系。 全文共六章,第一章阐述了本文的研究背景、意义以及研究范围和思路。第二章为高校计算技术双语教学理论基础,主要介绍了双语教学的相关概念和理论基础。第三章高校计算机双语教学质量评价体系的设计与构建。第四章基于高校计算机双语教学质量评价体系调查问卷的设计,通过对影响双语教学质量的各个因素的分析,构建了各级指标,进行问卷调查的设计。第五章对问卷调查结果的分析,运用层次分析法、模糊综合评价法等多种方法对调查问卷的结果问题进行分析。
[Abstract]:Bilingual teaching in colleges and universities is the inevitable requirement of information technology and economic globalization. It is also an inexorable trend of the reform and development of higher education in our country. In 2001, the Ministry of Education issued some opinions on strengthening undergraduate teaching in colleges and universities to improve the teaching quality. It is pointed out that colleges and universities must actively promote the implementation of. Teaching public and professional classes in English and other foreign languages, Especially in the fields of information technology, biotechnology, new material technology, finance, law, and other fields that the country urgently needs to develop. The state will focus on the construction of universities and colleges, and strive to do so within three years. Five to ten percent of bilingual courses are offered, especially in the rapidly developing field of computer science. Bilingual teaching is even more in line with the trend of the times. Under such a background, the quality of bilingual teaching in computers is evaluated quantitatively. It will be of great significance to strengthen bilingual education, deepen educational reform and improve the quality of talent training. On the basis of investigation and research, this paper deeply studies the quality and present situation of computer bilingual teaching in colleges and universities. According to the characteristics of running schools and subject setting of Southwest Jiaotong University, this paper introduces bilingual teaching and its related concepts. Based on the in-depth analysis of the factors that affect the quality of bilingual teaching, and drawing on the advanced experience of the evaluation system of bilingual teaching quality in colleges and universities at home and abroad, a series of evaluation indexes are set up and established according to the actual situation. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of computer bilingual teaching quality is established through the use of analytic hierarchy process, mathematical modeling and the simple operation of computer software, and the bilingual teaching of computer science in Southwest Jiaotong University is taken as an example. An empirical analysis is carried out and a set of quality evaluation system suitable for other disciplines is designed. The first chapter describes the research background, significance, research scope and ideas. The second chapter is the theoretical basis of bilingual teaching of computational technology in colleges and universities. This paper mainly introduces the related concepts and theoretical basis of bilingual teaching. Chapter three is the design and construction of the quality evaluation system of computer bilingual teaching in colleges and universities. Chapter 4th is based on the design of the questionnaire of the quality evaluation system of computer bilingual teaching in colleges and universities. Based on the analysis of the factors affecting the quality of bilingual teaching, this paper constructs the indexes at all levels and designs the questionnaire survey. Chapter 5th analyzes the results of the questionnaire, and applies the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and other methods to analyze the results of the questionnaire.


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