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发布时间:2018-03-14 23:19

  本文选题:教师职业认同感 切入点:免费师范生 出处:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:为了提高教师队伍的整体素质和中西部、贫困地区基础教育的质量,从2007年开始,教育部在其直属的六所师范院校中开始实施免费师范生教育。这一政策一经出台,便引起了社会各界的广泛关注,免费师范生也成为了备受关注的一个特殊群体。要培养出优秀的师范生为基础教育服务,最重要的就是让他们爱上这个职业,从职业价值等方面认识到教师工作的意义和责任,从而能积极、主动的投入到工作中,所以免费师范生职业认同感的高低不仅影响他们对工作的满意程度以及他们能否在教育工作中全心投入,更决定着教师队伍稳定性及教育质量的高低。 为了更好的掌握免费师范生教师职业认同感的情况,本文从职业意志、职业价值、职业意愿与期望、职业效能四个维度,以某师范大学英语专业的某年级的在校学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查与访谈相结合的方法进行研究,调查结果采用SPSS19.0进行了数据统计和分析。除此之外,以免费师范生身份毕业的31名中学教师作为本文的研究对象之一,为在校生的教师职业认同感的研究起到了对比作用,更准确的了解了在校生在教师职业认同感上的优势和不足。 本研究的样本调查结果有如下发现:首先,某师范大学英语专业的免费师范生的职业认同水平认同总体偏高,其中女生的职业认同高于男生,,独生子女的认同感低于非独生子女,户籍所在城市及家庭月收入都在不同程度上影响免费师范生的职业认同感;其次,由于职业意志认同上相对薄弱,大部分免费师范生对终身从教或者对10年的从教要求没有信心和意志坚持。造成这种职业意志薄弱的原因有很多,因此,在未来对免费师范生的教育中提高他们的职业意志是关键。要解决这些问题,社会和学校都有采取相关有效的措施,如提高教师的福利待遇和社会地位;开设相关课程或活动,从入学起就进行职业意志相关教育,加强他们的心理素质和角色转变的能力,从而更好地为基础教育培养出更多的优秀的教师做出贡献。
[Abstract]:In order to improve the overall quality of teachers and the quality of basic education in the central and western regions and in poor areas, since 2007, the Ministry of Education has started to implement free normal student education in six teachers' colleges directly under it. It has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life in society, and free teachers' students have also become a special group of people who have received much attention. In order to train outstanding normal school students to serve basic education, the most important thing is to make them fall in love with this profession. Recognizing the significance and responsibility of teachers' work in terms of professional value, so as to be able to actively and actively participate in the work, Therefore, the level of professional identity of free normal students not only affects their job satisfaction and whether they can devote themselves to the educational work, but also determines the stability of teachers and the quality of education. In order to better grasp the situation of free teachers' professional identity, this paper from the professional will, career value, career will and expectation, career efficiency four dimensions, Taking the students of a certain grade of English major in a normal university as the research object, this paper adopts the method of questionnaire and interview to carry out the research. The results of the investigation are statistically analyzed by SPSS19.0. As one of the objects of this paper, 31 middle school teachers who graduated as free normal school students have played a comparative role in the study of teachers' professional identity. A more accurate understanding of the school students in the teacher's professional identity on the advantages and disadvantages. The results of this study are as follows: first of all, the professional identity level of English majors in a normal university is generally higher than that of male students, among which female students have higher professional identity than male students. The identity of the only child is lower than that of the non-only child, and the monthly income of the city and the family both affect the professional identity of the free normal students in varying degrees. Secondly, because of the relatively weak identity of the professional will, The majority of free normal students do not have confidence and will to teach for life or for 10 years. There are many reasons for the weak will of this profession, so, To solve these problems, both society and schools have taken effective measures, such as improving teachers' welfare and social status, offering relevant courses or activities. In order to improve their psychological quality and the ability to change their roles, vocational will education should be carried out from the beginning to the beginning of education, so as to contribute to the development of more excellent teachers in basic education.


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