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发布时间:2018-03-16 23:17

  本文选题:美育 切入点:音乐教育 出处:《天津音乐学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:伴随着素质教育实施的不断深化,美育作为建构普通高校全面发展素质教育至关重要的部分也在不断受到社会大众的重视,如此这般带领下,大学生民乐团在全国各地的普通高校积极建设发展起来。美育培育大学生健康向上的审美观念和独特的鉴赏能力,陶冶大学生崇高的道德修养,开发大学生创新意识和创造性才能。音乐界与教育界共同关心且要解决的重要课题就是:在普通高校中建设与发展大学生音乐社团,使之为大学生教育提供良好的推进器。 本文选择天津财经大学民乐团作为范例,分别用文献资料法,访谈法,问卷调查法,归纳演绎法对其展开调查研究。 通过笔者对天津财经大学民乐团为期一年半的实地调研,对天津财经大学民乐团(以下简称天财民乐团)的运行:分别以节目策划、精心安排、多样活动进行介绍,并且对天财民乐团的成功经验总结。并归纳天财民乐团活动实践体现出营造氛围功能、提升综合素养功能、提高审美能力功能,三者结合推动美育在普通高校的发展。笔者最后整理好高校民乐团活动实际存在的问题以及提出一些建设性解决方案五个方面。 教育就是保证社会经济发展的源动力,是创新能力的起始点。社会经济发展需要创新型人才,必然要加强和改善教育的形势与内容。高校民乐团营造出的校园氛围、提高大学生综合素养和提升大学生审美能力,这三者一环扣一环,环环相扣!全面的完善大学教育体系的建构,促进大学生健康人格的完美塑造。 高校民乐团有效的完善普通高校美育的发展,完善普通高校的文化建设,完善大学生塑造“健康人格”。这三个完善对高校向社会输送综合型人才发挥着含蓄深远的功用。
[Abstract]:With the continuous deepening of the implementation of quality education, aesthetic education, as a vital part of constructing the overall development of quality education in ordinary colleges and universities, has been constantly attached importance to by the public. The College students' Folk Orchestra has developed actively in colleges and universities all over the country. Aesthetic education fosters students' healthy and progressive aesthetic concept and unique appreciation ability, and cultivates the lofty moral cultivation of college students. The important task to be solved by the music and education circles is to build and develop the music associations of college students in order to provide a good propeller for college students' education. In this paper, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics Folk Orchestra as an example, using literature, interviews, questionnaires, induction and deduction of its investigation. Through a field investigation of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics Folk Orchestra for a period of one and a half years, the author introduces the operation of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics Folk Orchestra (hereinafter referred to as Tiancai Folk Orchestra), respectively with program planning, careful arrangement and various activities. And the successful experience of Tiancai Folk Orchestra is summarized. The practice of Tiancai Folk Orchestra activities reflects the function of creating atmosphere, improving comprehensive accomplishment, improving aesthetic ability. Finally, the author arranges the problems existing in the activities of the Folk Orchestra in colleges and universities and puts forward some constructive solutions. Education is the source power to ensure the development of social economy and the starting point of innovation ability. Social and economic development needs innovative talents, and must strengthen and improve the situation and content of education. To improve the comprehensive quality of college students and enhance the aesthetic ability of college students, these three links one by one, linked to each other! Perfect the construction of university education system and promote the perfect shaping of college students'healthy personality. The Folk Orchestra of colleges and universities can effectively improve the development of aesthetic education in ordinary colleges and universities, perfect the cultural construction of ordinary colleges and universities, and perfect the students' shaping of "healthy personality". These three perfections play an implicit and far-reaching role in conveying comprehensive talents to the society.


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