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发布时间:2018-03-16 23:38

  本文选题:印度 切入点:高等教育质量 出处:《宁波大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:全球高等教育规模的不断扩大引发了社会各界对高等教育质量的普遍关注。旨在维持和提高质量的高等教育质量保障体系已在一些国家和地区建立起来。作为我国的邻国,,印度的高等教育成就显著,并已形成了相对成熟的高等教育质量保障体系。印度建立完善的高等教育评估制度的经验值得我国学习和借鉴。 本文以印度高等教育评估制度为研究对象,在梳理印度现代高等教育发展历史的基础上,指出其高等教育发展中产生的质量问题,部分地借用新制度经济学的分析框架,从评估机构、评估对象、评估指标、评估程序等方面具体阐述评估制度规则体系中的正式规则,并进一步从评估与高校、评估与政府、评估与社会、评估与评估机构四个方面分析评估制度的实施机制与功能价值。本文认为,自上世纪50、60年代,在经历不断的改革之后,印度高等教育评估制度已较为完备,以之为核心也形成了比较稳定的高等教育质量保障体系。评估为高校改进教学质量提供建议,为政府相关部门制定向高校拨款的政策提供参考,并为社会提供高等教育信息。在此过程中,评估机构也在不断地完善自身功能,并获得了更好的发展。现在,印度正在不断完善高等教育评估机构建设,改进评估工作实施的具体方式,同时注重加强与国外其它评估机构的联系,为新一轮的高等教育评估工作做准备。论文对中印两国的高等教育评估制度也展开简要的比较,认为,我国目前高等教育评估制度的发展和完善可以从以下六个方向考虑:强化第三方评估力量及其权威性;加强政府对评估事业的指导与财政保障;制定更具弹性化的评估标准;建立高校自我评估机构,培养质量文化;改进同行专家评估;提升评估结果公布的社会向度。
[Abstract]:The continuous expansion of the scale of higher education in the world has aroused widespread concern about the quality of higher education from all walks of life. The quality assurance system of higher education aimed at maintaining and improving the quality of higher education has been established in some countries and regions. India has made remarkable achievements in higher education and has formed a relatively mature higher education quality assurance system. The experience of establishing a perfect evaluation system of higher education in India is worthy of our country to learn and learn from. This paper takes the Indian higher education evaluation system as the research object, on the basis of combing the history of the development of India's modern higher education, points out the quality problems arising from the development of its higher education, and partly borrows the analytical framework of the new institutional economics. The formal rules in the rules system of evaluation system are elaborated from the aspects of evaluation institution, evaluation object, evaluation index, evaluation procedure and so on, and further from the aspects of evaluation and university, evaluation and government, evaluation and society, This paper analyses the implementation mechanism and functional value of the evaluation system from four aspects of the evaluation and evaluation institutions. This paper holds that, since 0th century, during the 1950s and 1960s, after the continuous reform, the Indian higher education evaluation system has been relatively complete. With this as the core, a relatively stable higher education quality assurance system has also been formed. The evaluation provides suggestions for improving the teaching quality of colleges and universities, and provides a reference for the relevant government departments to formulate the policies for the allocation of funds to colleges and universities. And provide higher education information for society. In the process, evaluation agencies are constantly improving their own functions and getting better development. Now, India is constantly improving the construction of higher education evaluation institutions. At the same time, we should pay more attention to strengthening the contact with other foreign evaluation institutions to prepare for a new round of higher education evaluation. The paper also makes a brief comparison of the higher education evaluation system between China and India. The author thinks that the development and perfection of the evaluation system of higher education in our country can be considered from the following six aspects: strengthening the third party evaluation power and its authority, strengthening the guidance and financial guarantee of the government to the evaluation cause; To develop more flexible evaluation criteria; to establish self-assessment institutions in colleges and universities to cultivate a quality culture; to improve peer expert evaluation; and to enhance the social orientation of the results.


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