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发布时间:2018-03-18 09:00

  本文选题:大学班级 切入点:育人功能 出处:《学校党建与思想教育》2013年26期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The university class is the basic organization form of talent training in colleges and universities, which has important educational function. Nowadays, the external running environment of colleges and universities is becoming more and more complicated, the social ideology is becoming more and more diverse, the demand of students is increasing constantly, and the scale of running a school is increasing unprecedentedly. Under the new situation of the rapid development of network technology, the university class management is facing new challenges. This paper tries to build the ideology, the style of study, the team, the mechanism and the platform. This paper probes into how to strengthen the educational function of university classes in six aspects of cultural construction in order to draw lessons from the class construction in colleges and universities.
【作者单位】: 华南理工大学学生工作部(处);华南理工大学学生工作部(处)思教办;


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