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发布时间:2018-03-22 01:00

  本文选题:高校BBS 切入点:大学生 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高校BBS是大学生最喜爱的网络交流平台之一,它以其巨大的信息量、强大的服务功能著称,深刻地改变着大学生的生活学习方式。大学生是参与网络生活的主体,网络上丰富多彩的信息资源给大学生增长知识、拓展交际圈和便利生活提供了帮助,使大学生的生活充实、快乐和便捷。发展到今天,几乎所有的高校都有了自己的BBS。如何成功抢占网络思想政治教育的高地,成为思想政治教育工作者面临的时代任务。新的网络平台不断推出,充斥着大学生的网络生活,抢占着高校BBS的发展空间,面对如此巨大的竞争压力,高校BBS将走向何方?还能否继续发挥它的思想政治教育功能? 全文共分为五章。第一章绪论,主要讲了本文问题的提出、选题意义和国内外研究现状以及文章采用的研究方法等内容,文章以马克思主义关于人的本质学说、人的全面发展学说和社会主义精神文明建设理论为指导,运用问卷调查、案例分析以及定性和定量分析相结合的分析等研究方法,总结了前人研究成果,为后文的研究做了铺垫和参考。 第二章对本文涉及的主要概念及相关理论进行介绍。主要对文中的重点概念、文章写作过程中运用的思想政治教育载体论、环境论和管理学中的态势分析法,在这里进行了介绍,为后文的写作打下了理论基础。 第三章高校BBS平台与大学生思想政治教育功能分析。本章对高校BBS思想政治教育功能实现的有利条件以及具体作用进行了分析。 第四章是高校BBS平台思想政治教育的SWOT分析。本章分析了高校BBS作为思想政治教育载体的内部优势和劣势,外部机遇和威胁。高校BBS的优势表现为:内容设置以学生为本,内容的传播交互性强,对学生影响大。劣势主要有:高校BBS自身机制不健全,网络环境难以实施有效控制,一些高校BBS随波逐流。高校BBS可以把握的机遇有:国家高度重视,社会重大事件提供现实素材,相关行业不断繁荣创新。高校BBS面临的威胁主要是:市场经济的负面影响,其他新媒体的快速发展,多元文化的威胁。 第五章是基于态势分析法的高校BBS优化策略。本章从四个方面提出了如何趋利避害,优化高校BBS思想政治教育功能的策略,即要建立网络导师疏导制度并完善论坛的管理机制,同时更新管理者德育理念。二是要整合资源,形成特色功能、建立热点主流主题论坛、努力提高论坛知名度和美誉度。三是及时优化BBS网络技术资源、规范论坛管理、建立质量跟踪体系。最后要传递主流文化,削弱支流,还要将大学生纳入管理者队伍中,此外要加强宣传,扩大高校论坛的影响力。
[Abstract]:College BBS is one of the most favorite network communication platforms for college students. It is famous for its huge information and powerful service function, and it has profoundly changed the way of living and learning of college students. College students are the main body participating in network life. The rich and colorful information resources on the Internet have provided help for college students to increase their knowledge, expand their social circle and facilitate their lives, making their lives full, happy and convenient. Almost all colleges and universities have their own BBS.How to successfully seize the high ground of network ideological and political education and become an epoch task faced by ideological and political educators. Grabbing the development space of university BBS, facing such huge competition pressure, where will university BBS go? Can it continue to play its ideological and political education function? The paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is introduction, which mainly discusses the questions of this paper, the significance of the topic, the current research situation at home and abroad, and the research methods adopted in this paper. The article is based on the Marxist theory of human nature. Guided by the theory of human comprehensive development and the theory of socialist spiritual civilization construction, this paper summarizes the previous research results by means of questionnaire survey, case analysis and the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis. For the study of the following to do a foreshadowing and reference. The second chapter introduces the main concepts and related theories in this paper. It mainly introduces the key concepts in the paper, the carrier theory of ideological and political education, the environmental theory and the situation analysis method in management, which are used in the process of writing. It is introduced here, which lays a theoretical foundation for the later writing. The third chapter analyzes the BBS platform and the function of college students' ideological and political education. This chapter analyzes the favorable conditions and concrete functions of the realization of the ideological and political education function of BBS in colleges and universities. Chapter four is the SWOT analysis of ideological and political education on the BBS platform of colleges and universities. This chapter analyzes the internal advantages and disadvantages, external opportunities and threats of BBS as a carrier of ideological and political education. The advantages of BBS in colleges and universities are as follows: content setting is student-oriented. The main disadvantages are that the mechanism of university BBS is not perfect, the network environment is difficult to implement effective control, some colleges and universities follow the trend of BBS. The opportunity that the university BBS can grasp is that the state attaches great importance to it. The major social events provide realistic materials and the related industries are flourishing and innovation.The threats to BBS in colleges and universities are mainly the negative effects of market economy, the rapid development of other new media, and the threat of multiculturalism. The fifth chapter is the optimization strategy of university BBS based on situation analysis. This chapter puts forward the strategy of how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and optimize the function of college BBS ideological and political education from four aspects. That is, to establish the network mentor guidance system and improve the management mechanism of the forum, and to update the concept of moral education for managers. Second, it is necessary to integrate resources, form a characteristic function, and establish a hot mainstream theme forum. Third, we should optimize the BBS network technical resources in time, standardize the forum management, establish a quality tracking system. Finally, we should transfer mainstream culture, weaken the tributaries, and bring college students into the management team. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen publicity and expand the influence of university forums.


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