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发布时间:2018-03-22 02:04

  本文选题:大学毕业生 切入点:就业权益 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学毕业生就业权益被侵害的案例已经屡见不鲜,关于大学毕业生就业权益的保护问题也成为了学术界研究的热点问题。在高等教育大众化的今天,大学毕业生作为社会的精英群体,同时也是作为社会的脆弱群体,面临着各种压力。 本研究主要采用了问卷调查法、访谈调查法、文献检索法等研究方法,针对大学毕业生就业权益自我保护的意识进行问卷调查,针对大学毕业生具有一定的自我保护意识的群体进行访谈。首先,根据检索到的相关的文献资料,对于大学毕业生就业权益自我保护的研究,进行了分类归纳,确定了大学毕业生就业权益和自我保护两个平行的概念,根据两个平行概念,抽象出了大学毕业生就业权益自我保护的概念。其次,根据抽象出的概念对于现实生活中的大学毕业生就业权益自我保护的现状进行了问卷调查和访谈调查,通过收集到的资料进行调查分析,找出当前大学毕业生就业权益自我保护中存在的问题。最后,针对收集和分析出的大学毕业生就业权益自我保护中存在的问题进行原因分析,,并且借鉴国外的相关做法,提出了改进策略。本研究主要分为五部分: 第一部分,引言。该部分主要阐明本研究选题的缘由和目的、研究内容和研究的意义,并且指明本研究的研究思路与研究方法。 第二部分,该部分主要对大学毕业生就业权益自我保护的概念及理论进行分析与探讨。首先探讨了大学毕业生就业权益的概念及特征,对大学毕业生和就业权益进行了分析。其次,明晰了大学毕业生就业权益的内容。第三,对自我保护的概念进行了分析,最后探讨了大学毕业生就业权益自我保护的理论基础。 第三部分,大学毕业生就业权益自我保护现状调查与分析。首先介绍了大学毕业生就业权益自我保护意识调查问卷的设计与发放,问卷主要是运用了大学毕业生就业权益自我保护的“五意识说”即法律意识、契约意识、维权意识、诚信意识和证据意识五个方面进行了问卷的设计。其次,根据收集到的问卷数据进行了相关的分析,具体的呈现了大学毕业生就业权益自我保护中存在的问题。最后,对于大学毕业生就业权益自我保护中存在问题进行了原因分析。 第四部分,对英国和美国的大学毕业生就业权益保护问题进行分析,提出对我国大学毕业生的相关启示与借鉴。 第五部分,大学毕业生就业权益自我保护强化。针对前面的相关的分析,提出了大学毕业生就业权益自我保护强化的主要措施。
[Abstract]:There have been many cases of college graduates' employment rights being infringed, and the protection of the employment rights and interests of college graduates has become a hot issue in academic circles. Today, with the popularization of higher education, College graduates, as the elite and vulnerable groups of the society, are facing various pressures. This research mainly adopts the questionnaire survey method, the interview investigation method, the literature retrieval method and so on, carries on the questionnaire survey to the university graduate employment rights and interests self-protection consciousness. First of all, according to the relevant documents retrieved, the research on self-protection of employment rights of college graduates is classified and summarized. Two parallel concepts of employment rights and self-protection of college graduates are determined. According to the two parallel concepts, the concept of self-protection of employment rights of college graduates is abstracted. Secondly, According to the abstract concept of self-protection of college graduates' employment rights and interests in real life, a questionnaire survey and an interview survey are carried out, and through the collected data, the investigation and analysis are carried out. To find out the existing problems in the self-protection of the employment rights of college graduates. Finally, to analyze the causes of the problems in the self-protection of the employment rights and interests of college graduates, and to draw lessons from the relevant practices of foreign countries. This study is divided into five parts:. The first part is the introduction. This part mainly expounds the reason and purpose of this research, the research content and the significance of the research, and points out the research ideas and research methods. In the second part, this part mainly analyzes and discusses the concept and theory of self-protection of graduates' employment rights. First, it discusses the concept and characteristics of employment rights and interests of college graduates. This paper analyzes the employment rights and interests of college graduates. Secondly, it clarifies the contents of employment rights and interests of college graduates. Thirdly, it analyzes the concept of self-protection, and finally discusses the theoretical basis of self-protection of employment rights and interests of college graduates. The third part is the investigation and analysis of the self-protection of college graduates' employment rights and interests. First, the design and distribution of the questionnaire on the self-protection consciousness of the graduates' employment rights and interests are introduced. The questionnaire is designed from five aspects: legal consciousness, contract consciousness, right consciousness, honesty consciousness and evidence consciousness. Based on the collected questionnaire data, the paper analyzes the problems in the self-protection of graduates' employment rights and interests. Finally, the causes of the problems in the self-protection of graduates' employment rights and interests are analyzed. In the fourth part, the author analyzes the protection of the employment rights and interests of the graduates in the United Kingdom and the United States, and puts forward the enlightenment and reference to the graduates of our country. In the fifth part, the author puts forward the main measures to strengthen the self-protection of employment rights of college graduates.


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