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发布时间:2018-03-22 02:25

  本文选题:地方高师院校 切入点:组织文化 出处:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着国家教师教育制度逐步与国际接轨,面对来自综合性大学的师资队伍、科研能力、教学水平、学科建设、专业发展、人才质量等方面的挑战和压力,地方高师院校陷入了生存与发展的危机,再次转型成为地方高师院校发展的必然选择。这一次转型,不仅涉及地方高师院校办学定位的调整,还涉及地方高师院校发展战略的全新谋划与有效实施,可以说,这将是一次从价值观念到行为模式的深刻变革。在此过程中,如何实现学校发展目标与个人目标的融合,建立起一种和谐的、具有激励性的关系,从而增强学校的适应能力和创造能力,办出自己的特色,顺利实现转型,是当前乃至今后一个时期地方高师院校首先要研究和解决的问题。 本文从管理学的视角切入,从组织文化的概念入手,引入同心圆理论和组织文化与组织战略的相容理论,,在调查三所大学现状的基础上,对当前地方高师院校组织文化方面所存在的问题进行了深入剖析,找出了造成这种状况的原因,进而提出了加强地方高师院校组织文化建设的对策,力图为构建适应地方高师院校发展需要的组织文化提供可资借鉴的依据,为我国地方高师院校组织文化建设提供具有建设性意义的参考。 主要内容有: 1.提出问题,介绍本文的研究意义、研究方法以及学界的研究现状。 2.对相关概念进行界定,论证本文相关理论基础,即同心圆理论和组织文化与组织战略的相容理论。 3.主要介绍地方高师院校组织文化现状。以调查资料为依据,客观呈现当前地方高师院校组织文化的建设情况。 4.从物质、制度、精神三层面剖析地方高师院校组织文化存在的问题,并从组织文化建设和组织文化本身两个角度探讨产生这些问题的深层原因。 5.针对当前地方高师院校组织文化存在的问题及原因,提出地方高师院校组织文化建设的对策。
[Abstract]:With the national teacher education system gradually in line with the international standards, facing the challenges and pressures from the comprehensive universities in the fields of teachers, scientific research ability, teaching level, discipline construction, professional development, talent quality, and so on, The local normal colleges and universities have fallen into the crisis of survival and development, and the transition has become an inevitable choice for the development of local normal colleges and universities again. This transition involves not only the adjustment of the orientation of the local normal colleges and universities, but also the adjustment of the orientation of the local normal colleges and universities. It also involves the new planning and effective implementation of the development strategy of local normal colleges and universities. It can be said that this will be a profound change from values to behavior patterns. In this process, how to realize the integration of school development goals and individual goals, To establish a harmonious and stimulating relationship, so as to enhance the adaptability and creativity of the school, to develop its own characteristics, and to realize the transition smoothly. It is the first problem to be studied and solved by local normal colleges and universities at present and even in the future. In this paper, from the perspective of management, starting with the concept of organizational culture, we introduce the concentric circle theory and the compatibility theory of organizational culture and organizational strategy, and on the basis of investigating the present situation of the three universities, This paper makes a thorough analysis of the problems existing in the organizational culture of local normal universities, finds out the causes of this situation, and then puts forward some countermeasures to strengthen the organizational culture construction of local normal colleges and universities. This paper tries to provide a reference for the construction of organizational culture to meet the needs of the development of local normal colleges and universities, and to provide a constructive reference for the construction of organizational culture of local normal universities in China. The main contents are:. 1. Put forward questions, introduce the significance of this paper, research methods and the current situation of academic research. 2. Define the relevant concepts and demonstrate the theoretical basis of this paper, that is, concentric circle theory and the compatibility theory between organizational culture and organizational strategy. 3. The present situation of organizational culture in local normal colleges is introduced. Based on the investigation data, the construction of organizational culture in local normal colleges is objectively presented. 4. Analyze the problems existing in the organizational culture of local normal universities from the three aspects of material, system and spirit, and probe into the deep causes of these problems from two angles: the construction of organizational culture and the organizational culture itself. 5. Aiming at the existing problems and causes of organizational culture in local normal universities, the author puts forward the countermeasures for the construction of organizational culture in local normal universities.


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