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发布时间:2018-03-22 14:51

  本文选题:价值澄清理论 切入点:大学生 出处:《广西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:上世纪60年代美国学者路易斯·拉斯思提出的价值澄清理论是影响较大的思想教育流派之一。该理论提出了一系列的策略和方法旨在教给学生澄清自己价值的技巧和自我评价、自我指导的能力,并促使这种能力转化为行为。现代社会中,金钱成为生活中须臾不可离的物品,人们依赖它又容易被它诱惑。当代大学生的金钱观教育作为价值观教育的重要组成部分,它关系到大学生思想的成熟、精神的独立和人的全面发展,在高校思想政治教育应予以重视并寻求金钱观教育的有效对策。 价值澄清理论的基本内容的基本内容包括四大澄清要素,三个阶段七个步骤的澄清过程以及三种常见的澄清策略。它具有尊重学生主体、贴近生活、实践性强等特点,同时又存在价值相对主义、对教育对象本身的素质要求较高、忽视教师应有地位等局限。当代大学生的金钱观受到传统义利观、社会价值多元化、家庭教育弱化、学校对金钱观教育忽视的影响存在一定的偏差。对当代大学生进行金钱观教育,需要探索出一种具备吸引力、亲和力和感染力的教育方式,使其获得合理的金钱观。站在马克思主义唯物观的立场上借鉴价值澄清理论对大学生进行金钱观教育有着积极的意义。 借鉴价值澄清理论对当代大学生进行金钱观教育必须坚持社会主义核心价值体系和马克思主义价值观,能避免价值澄清理论的局限性。结合大学生身心发展的需求,当代大学生金钱观教育的策略应包含关注大学生的实际生活、接纳大学生的金钱观差异、鼓励大学生寻找多样的人生价值、培养大学生的选择能力四大要素。在金钱观澄清的具体方法上,可以通过共情与大学生建立良好的沟通氛围,运用冥想建立大学生自知自觉机制,教予大学生认识自我、自由选择的能力,培养他们的甄别价值的能力,通过社会实践促使他们真正获得科学合理的金钱观。 大学生金钱观教育的目的在于净化思想,树立崇高的理想,培养高尚的人格。只有博采众长,以科学的方法深入大学生的心灵,才能更好地实现这一目标。 本文的创新之处在于:1.提出在我国现阶段应重视大学生金钱观的教育,并借鉴价值澄清理论,提出了金钱观教育的策略和方法。2.提出将现代心理学中共情技术和冥想训练运用于大学生金钱观教育中,既符合价值澄清理论的观念又具有简单易操作的特点,具备可行性。不足之处在于:尚未能对本文提出的金钱观教育方法的实效性进行研究。
[Abstract]:The theory of value clarification put forward by American scholar Louis Rasz in the 1960s is one of the most influential schools of ideological education. The theory puts forward a series of strategies and methods aimed at teaching students the skills of clarifying their own value and self-evaluation. The ability to direct oneself, and to turn it into action. In modern society, money is an inextricable thing in life, People depend on it and are easily seduced by it. As an important part of value education, the money view education of contemporary college students is related to the maturity of college students' thoughts, the independence of spirit and the all-round development of people. Ideological and political education in colleges and universities should be attached importance to and seek effective countermeasures for money education. The basic content of the value clarification theory includes four major elements of clarification, three stages and seven steps of clarification process and three common clarifying strategies. It has the characteristics of respecting students' subject, being close to life, and having strong practicality, etc. At the same time, there are some limitations such as value relativism, high quality requirement to the object of education, neglect of the teacher's due status, etc. The contemporary college students' view of money is influenced by the traditional view of righteousness and profit, the social value is diversified, the family education is weakened, and so on. There is a certain deviation in the influence of neglecting the view of money education in schools. It is necessary to explore an attractive, affective and infectious way of education for contemporary college students in view of money. It is of positive significance for college students to educate their views on money from the standpoint of Marxist materialism and to draw lessons from the theory of value clarification. It is necessary to adhere to the socialist core value system and Marxist values in order to avoid the limitations of the theory of value clarification, and to combine the needs of college students' physical and mental development with reference to the theory of value clarification. The strategies of contemporary college students' money outlook education should include paying attention to the actual life of college students, accepting the differences of college students' money views, and encouraging college students to look for various life values. In the specific method of clarifying the view of money, we can establish a good communication atmosphere with college students through empathy, establish the self-knowledge and consciousness mechanism of college students through meditation, and teach students to know themselves. The ability to choose freely, to cultivate their ability to identify value and to obtain a scientific and reasonable view of money through social practice. The purpose of college students' money view education is to purify the thought, establish the lofty ideal and cultivate the noble personality. The innovation of this paper lies in: 1. It is proposed that we should pay attention to the education of college students' view of money at the present stage in our country, and draw lessons from the theory of value clarification. This paper puts forward the strategies and methods of money view education. 2. It is proposed that the application of modern psychological empathy techniques and meditation training in college students' money view education not only accords with the concept of value clarification theory but also has the characteristics of simple and easy to operate. It is feasible. The deficiency lies in the fact that it is not possible to study the effectiveness of the money view education method proposed in this paper.


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