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发布时间:2018-03-25 01:03

  本文选题:高校研究生 切入点:学术失范 出处:《南京师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校是学术活动的主要阵地,随着知识在社会进步中的作用进一步凸显,高校的学术风气亦随之更加集中反映社会意识领域主流的价值导向。学术的繁荣是保证学术发展,反映科学进步的新成果、反映社会实践的新要求、反映历史和时代的进步的基本条件之一,而学术道德是学术活动的基本伦理规范,是参加学术活动的人员对自身品质的自我约束,也是提高学术水平和研究能力的重要保证。然而,随着改革开放的发展和我国社会主义经济体制的深入,社会文化领域出现了严重的道德失范,尤其是高校学术研究工作出现了学术越轨、学术失范、学风不良的现象。 本文拟选取高校研究生群体作为研究对象,在学术界已有的研究成果基础上,通过问卷调查的形式对高校研究生群体中主要存在的学术失范的现状进行细致分析,并着重探讨学术失范和普通道德示范的异同;从外部环境(包括社会、高校、导师)和内部心理驱动(即研究生自身原因)两个层面探讨该现象的根源;运用伦理学的理性、公正、责任、诚信和人道主义的原则对其从理论的层面进行矫正,并从社会风气、高校学术制度、导师师德风范、研究生自律修养四个方面提出有效实践路径,希图对相关领域研究有所臂助。 矫治高校研究生学术失范是高校学术道德建设的重要内容,也是高校学术道德建设的必然要求。只有杜绝高校研究生学术失范现象的发生,才能提升高校的学术道德水平,提高高校学术的社会信誉,从而带动整个国家新时期的精神文明建设。
[Abstract]:Colleges and universities are the main position of academic activities. As the role of knowledge in social progress becomes more prominent, the academic atmosphere in colleges and universities also reflects the mainstream value orientation in the field of social consciousness. Reflecting the new achievements of scientific progress, reflecting the new requirements of social practice, and reflecting one of the basic conditions for the progress of history and times, and academic morality is the basic ethical norm of academic activities, It is also an important guarantee for the improvement of academic level and research ability. However, with the development of reform and opening up and the deepening of our socialist economic system, There has been serious moral anomie in the field of social culture, especially the phenomenon of academic deviance, academic anomie and bad style of study in the academic research work of colleges and universities. On the basis of the existing research results in the academic field, this paper intends to select the graduate students in colleges and universities as the research object, and through the form of questionnaire survey to analyze the present situation of the main academic anomie in the graduate student group in colleges and universities. It also focuses on the similarities and differences between academic anomie and ordinary moral demonstration, probes into the root of this phenomenon from two aspects of external environment (including society, universities, tutors) and internal psychological driving (that is, graduate students' own reasons), and uses the rationality of ethics. The principles of justice, responsibility, honesty and humanitarianism have been corrected from the theoretical level, and the effective practical path has been put forward from four aspects: social atmosphere, academic system in colleges and universities, teachers' moral style, self-discipline of graduate students, etc. We hope to help the research in related fields. Correcting the academic anomie of university graduate students is an important part of the construction of academic morality in colleges and universities, and is also the inevitable requirement of the construction of academic morality in colleges and universities. Only by putting an end to the phenomenon of academic anomie of graduate students in colleges and universities, can the level of academic morality in colleges and universities be improved. To improve the academic reputation of colleges and universities, so as to promote the construction of spiritual civilization in the new period of the whole country.


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