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发布时间:2018-03-26 09:16

  本文选题:天津音乐学院 切入点:教务管理 出处:《天津师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教务管理科学化水平决定着高等学校的办学水平和人才培养水平,是高校管理工作的重要组成部分,它的好坏直接反映出一所高校在当前社会竞争中的生存、发展与地位。教务管理是一项科学性很强的工作,不仅要遵循教务教学规律、教师成长规律和人才培养规律,也要遵循管理工作规律,需通过科学化的组织才能达到管理质量的最优化。教务管理还是一项系统性很强的工作,通过教务管理科学化,使维持正常教学秩序、实施教学计划、实现人才培养目标三者融为一个有机的整体。随着高校的快速发展,及时转变教务管理理念,改革教务管理方式,提升教务管理科学化水平已成为高等教育改革和发展的重要内容,是教务管理工作者和教务管理研究者必须认真思考的一个重要课题。 论文除导论部分外,共分为四大部分:第一部分主要阐述天津音乐学院教务管理研究的三个理论依据:学习型组织、服务型组织、人文管理。第二部分主要介绍天津音乐学院教务管理的现状,通过对天津音乐学院教务管理工作的阐述,总结出天津音乐学院教务管理与综合性高校存在着相同点,但在课程设置、授课方式、师生组成等方面还存在自身教学特点。第三部分主要对天津音乐学院教务管理工作存在的管理观念僵化落后、管理制度欠缺滞后、教务管理人员队伍不稳定、教务管理信息化程度低问题及原因进行分析。第四部分提出对天津音乐学院教务管理改革的设想和建议:要构建学习型组织、提高创新能力;要转变教务管理观念、推进人文管理理念;要规范制度管理、提升制度效力;要提升人员素养、强化服务意识;要实现教务管理现代化、信息化、数字化。 当前,以音乐院校为研究对象,符合音乐院校教学规律和特点的教务管理相关研究及实践还比较缺乏。因此,本文以天津音乐学院为例,从当前天津音乐学院办学、师生组成及专业教师授课等特点进行分析,讨论了天津音乐学院教务管理模式的特点,指出其存在的问题,在此基础上,提出其未来的改革设想,旨在找到天津音乐学院教务管理改革的方向,为天津音乐学院教务管理工作今后的发展方向起到一定的指导作用。
[Abstract]:The scientific level of educational administration determines the level of running a university and the level of personnel training, and it is an important part of university management, which directly reflects the survival of a university in the current social competition. Educational administration is a scientific work. It should not only follow the law of teaching, teacher growth and talent training, but also follow the law of management. We need scientific organization to optimize the quality of management. Educational administration is still a very systematic work. Through scientific educational administration, we can maintain normal teaching order and carry out teaching plan. With the rapid development of colleges and universities, the concept of educational administration should be changed in time and the mode of educational administration should be reformed. Improving the scientific level of educational administration has become an important content of the reform and development of higher education. It is an important subject that educational administration workers and educational administration researchers must seriously consider. In addition to the introduction, the thesis is divided into four parts: the first part mainly describes the three theoretical basis of the study of educational administration in Tianjin Conservatory of Music: learning organization, service-oriented organization, The second part mainly introduces the present situation of the educational administration of Tianjin Conservatory of Music. By expounding the educational administration of Tianjin Conservatory of Music, it concludes that there are similarities between the educational administration of Tianjin Conservatory of Music and the comprehensive university. However, there are still some teaching characteristics in the aspects of curriculum design, teaching methods, and the composition of teachers and students. The third part is mainly about the ossification and backwardness of the management concept and the lack of management system in the educational administration of Tianjin Conservatory of Music. The fourth part puts forward the ideas and suggestions on the reform of educational administration in Tianjin Conservatory of Music: to construct a learning organization and to improve the ability of innovation; It is necessary to change the concept of educational administration and promote the concept of humanistic management; to standardize the management of the system and to enhance the effectiveness of the system; to enhance the quality of personnel; to strengthen the consciousness of service; to realize the modernization, information and digitization of educational administration. At present, the relevant research and practice of educational administration in accordance with the teaching rules and characteristics of music colleges and universities are still relatively lacking. Therefore, this paper takes Tianjin Conservatory of Music as an example to run a school in Tianjin Conservatory of Music at present. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the composition of teachers and students and the teaching of professional teachers, this paper discusses the characteristics of the educational administration mode of Tianjin Conservatory of Music, points out its existing problems, and puts forward its future reform ideas. The aim is to find out the direction of educational administration reform of Tianjin Conservatory of Music, and to play a guiding role in the future development of educational administration of Tianjin Conservatory of Music.


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