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发布时间:2018-03-29 12:09

  本文选题:新疆大学生 切入点:主流意识形态 出处:《喀什师范学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,境内外“三股势力”从来没有停止过对新疆高校的渗透、破坏活动。他们往往采取从意识形态领域打开突破口,从搞乱学生的思想入手,妄图达到搞乱社会,颠覆社会主义政权的目的。因此,加强新疆大学生主流意识形态教育,就是要坚持社会主义意识形态的主导地位,把新疆大学生培养为德智体美全面发展的社会主义事业建设者和接班人。 当前新疆大学生总体上对于我国主流意识形态是认同的,,意识形态总体呈健康、向上的良好态势。但也有部分大学生对我国主流意识形态的认同有所困惑,甚至动摇。马克思说过:“如果从观念上来考察,那么一定的意识形态的解体足以使整个时代覆灭。”乌鲁木齐“7·5”事件后,进一步加强新疆大学生主流意识形态教育被摆在了高校思想政治教育的突出地位。了解和掌握当前新疆大学生的思想状况,加强大学生主流意识形态教育的针对性和有效性,进一步增强大学生对马克思主义的认同感和归属感,促使他们树立马克思主义信仰并对马克思主义的信仰更加坚定,对中国特色社会主义信念牢固不动摇,从思想上彻底粉碎“三股势力”分裂新疆的图谋,实现新疆跨越式发展和长治久安有着重要而深远的历史意义。 本文在理清意识形态概念的基础上,从理论与实践两个方面分析了加强新疆大学生主流意识形态教育的重要意义和必然要求。新疆大学生处于多元文化、多元价值观的包围之中,其中有多种民族文化优良传统对大学生的行为选择产生影响,既有与主流意识形态并立、也不乏有与马克思主义、社会主义核心价值体系背道而驰的,还有境外各种社会思潮侵蚀大学生思想空间,使得马克思主义主流地位在局部和个别群体中未必占据思想制高点,这构成了新疆大学生意识形态教育的基本文化环境。此外,主流意识形态教育应对的机制还不够坚强有力,教育方略方法需要整合,对网络等新型媒介的研究、利用、跟进不及时,对大学生的新需求、新动向、新特点研究掌握不足,教育手段和策略上与时俱进不够突出,符合时代特征的载体的开发滞后,主流意识形态教育还远没有深入到受教育者生活的方方面面。这是意识形态教育工作存在的需要迫切解决的问题。因而,加强大学生主流意识形态教育,就是要搞好马克思主义中国化的文本研究,增强马克思主义传播的包容性、渗透性、亲和力;加大资源投入与社会整合,优化思想政治教育环境;不断创新思想政治教育方法,大力推进思想政治教育生活化、日常化、机制化;充分利用互联网等新兴媒体技术,提高意识形态教育投放密度和时效。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the "three forces" at home and abroad have never stopped infiltrating and sabotaging Xinjiang colleges and universities. They often take the ideological field to open a breakthrough and start with the confusion of students' thinking, in an attempt to disrupt society. The purpose of subversion of the socialist regime. Therefore, to strengthen the mainstream ideological education of Xinjiang college students is to adhere to the dominant position of socialist ideology. Xinjiang college students should be trained as socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, sports and beauty. At present, the college students in Xinjiang generally agree with the mainstream ideology of our country, and the ideology is generally healthy and upward. However, some college students are confused about the identity of the mainstream ideology in our country. Even waver. Marx said: "if we look at it from a conceptual point of view, then the disintegration of a certain ideology is sufficient to destroy the whole era." after the "7 / 5" incident in Urumqi, To further strengthen the mainstream ideological education of college students in Xinjiang has been placed in the prominent position of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, to understand and master the current ideological situation of college students in Xinjiang, and to strengthen the pertinence and effectiveness of mainstream ideological education for college students. To further strengthen college students' sense of identity and belonging to Marxism, to encourage them to establish their belief in Marxism and their belief in Marxism, and to firmly and unswervingly believe in socialism with Chinese characteristics, It is of important and far-reaching historical significance to smashing the "three forces" and splitting Xinjiang ideologically, and to realize the development of Xinjiang by leaps and bounds and the lasting stability of Xinjiang. On the basis of clarifying the concept of ideology, this paper analyzes the significance and necessity of strengthening the mainstream ideological education of college students in Xinjiang from the aspects of theory and practice. Surrounded by pluralistic values, there are a variety of ethnic cultural fine traditions that have an impact on the behavior choices of college students. They not only stand side by side with the mainstream ideology, but also run counter to Marxism and the socialist core value system. There is also a variety of foreign social trends that erode the ideological space of college students, making the mainstream position of Marxism not necessarily occupy the ideological commanding point in some or individual groups, which constitutes the basic cultural environment for the ideological education of university students in Xinjiang. In addition, The mechanism for coping with mainstream ideological education is not strong enough, and the educational strategies and methods need to be integrated. The research, utilization and follow-up of new media, such as the network, are not timely, and the new needs, new trends, and new characteristics of college students are not well grasped. In terms of educational means and strategies, the development of carriers in line with the characteristics of the times is lagging behind. The mainstream ideological education is far from reaching every aspect of the life of the educatees. This is a problem that needs to be solved urgently in the ideological education work. Therefore, to strengthen the mainstream ideological education of college students, It is necessary to do a good job in the study of the text of Marxism in China, to enhance the inclusiveness, permeability and affinity of the spread of Marxism, to increase the input of resources and social integration, to optimize the environment for ideological and political education, and to continuously innovate the methods of ideological and political education. Vigorously promote ideological and political education into daily life, daily, institutional, and make full use of new media technology, such as the Internet, to increase the density and effectiveness of ideological education.


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