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发布时间:2018-03-29 13:56

  本文选题:教育生态学 切入点:人才培养模式 出处:《西安工业大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Educational ecology, as a new interdisciplinary discipline spanning the fields of pedagogy and ecology, provides a new theoretical perspective and a broad platform for the development of higher education in China. This paper provides a new idea and method for the study of the talent training mode in colleges and universities, and provides an important guarantee for the harmonious and orderly education in colleges and universities, and the free and comprehensive development of college students in the new period. Firstly, this paper introduces the basic connotation and characteristics of educational ecology. Based on the basic theory of educational ecology, the law of limiting factor, the law of tolerance and the principle of the most appropriate, the rhythm of education is discussed, which is based on the basic theory of educational ecology, the principle of limitation factor, the law of tolerance and the principle of the most appropriate degree. The edge effect, the principle of "one pool of living water" effect, the balance and imbalance of educational ecology, the competition mechanism and co-evolution, the benign circle of educational ecology, and so on, the goal, process, way and way of talent training mode, In the part of empirical research, the author briefly introduces the training characteristics and training mode of the experimental class of mechanical design and manufacture and its automation excellence engineer (referred to as "the experimental class of teaching reform"). From the curriculum, teaching methods and comprehensive ability of three aspects of empirical research, combined with the basic theory of educational ecology to analyze the results. This paper summarizes the enlightenment of the reform of the personnel training mode in the experimental class of teaching reform. The talent training mode in colleges and universities should change with the progress of society and the development of science and technology. Colleges and universities should adjust and optimize the structure and content of the curriculum in time, keeping up with the pace of the times. On the basis of embodying the characteristics of professional courses, the integration of courses should be emphasized so as to make the curriculum system more developmental and extensible. At the same time, the practical links should be strengthened, and the curriculum system should be set up in accordance with the actual demands of the society for talents. In order to meet the needs of the society to the students' practical ability and vocational ability, to follow the rhythm of education, to strengthen the research on the rules of education and teaching practice, and to transform the achievements of scientific research and teaching research into teaching contents in a timely manner. Changing the traditional classroom teaching methods, strengthening the interaction between teachers and students, respecting students' interests, cultivating students' personality, inspiring students' creative thinking and personality, and cultivating students' creative ability. Finally, the virtuous circle and balanced development of educational ecology will be realized.


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