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发布时间:2018-04-01 15:36

  本文选题:当代大学生 切入点:择业价值取向 出处:《江苏师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生择业就业关系到个体、家庭、社会、国家的发展,是其价值观在择业就业实践中的体现。当代大学生择业价值取向体现出择业意向务实化,择业标准兼顾国家、社会、个人等多方需要,择业地点城市化,择业目标多元化的现状。在马克思主义哲学视域下分析当代大学生择业价值取向的现状,得出当代大学生在择业就业价值观中存在追求自我价值与社会价值、物质价值与精神价值、局部价值与整体价值、眼前价值与长远价值之间的矛盾冲突,这些冲突影响了他们做出正确的职业选择。 当代大学生择业价值观的形成,受到学校、家庭、社会以及大学生自身等主客观因素的影响。从马克思主义哲学中寻找调适当代大学生择业价值取向矛盾冲突的途径,可以从四方面着手建构并践行当代大学生科学的择业价值观,一是主体客体化,通过高效职业生涯教育体系、心理健康教育、专业辅导员队伍等途径强化认知教育,,培养大学生科学择业价值观;二是在实践中弘扬主体性,理论与实践相结合,开拓、丰富大学生创新、创业教育与实践,引导大学生科学择业价值取向;三是以人为本,完善社会结构,建立家庭、学校及社会三位一体择业服务机制,为大学生择业营造良好的客观环境;四是注重人的全面发展,发挥人的主体性,提高当代大学生自身的综合素质,使其自觉践行正确的择业价值取向。
[Abstract]:The development of college students' employment is related to the development of individual, family, society and country, which is the embodiment of their values in the practice of employment. Personal and other needs, the status quo of the urbanization of job choice sites, the diversification of career choice goals, the analysis of the current situation of the value orientation of contemporary college students' career choice under the Marxist philosophy, It is concluded that there are contradictions between the pursuit of self-value and social value, material value and spiritual value, partial value and overall value, immediate value and long-term value. These conflicts have affected them to make the right career choices. The formation of contemporary college students' vocational values is influenced by such subjective and objective factors as school, family, society and college students themselves. We can start from four aspects to construct and practice the scientific values of career choice of contemporary college students. The first is subject-objectification, which can strengthen cognitive education through efficient career education system, mental health education, professional counselors and so on. Second, carry forward the subjectivity in practice, combine theory with practice, open up and enrich college students' innovation, entrepreneurship education and practice, guide the value orientation of college students' scientific career choice. Perfecting the social structure, establishing the service mechanism of family, school and society, creating a good and objective environment for college students to choose their jobs; fourth, paying attention to the all-round development of human beings and giving play to the subjectivity of human beings. To improve the comprehensive quality of contemporary college students and make them consciously practice the correct value orientation of career selection.


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