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发布时间:2018-04-01 21:44

  本文选题:潘光旦 切入点:通才教育思想 出处:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:潘光旦(1899—1967)是我国现代著名的社会学家、优生学家、民族学家和教育家。他毕生从事大学教育教学和学术研究工作,并长期担任校系的领导职务,留下了丰富的教育论著,形成了自己独特的人文教育思想体系,因此他不仅是教育家,也是教育思想家。其中,通才教育思想是其人文教育思想的重要组成部分。 论文主要阐述了潘光旦通才教育思想的形成过程及时代背景、内涵及其独特性、对当今大学开展通识教育的启示。潘光旦的受教育经历和从教经历以及所处的时代背景是影响潘光旦通才教育思想形成的三大因素。潘光旦认为,相较于专业化教育,中国大学对通才教育重视不足,指出大学教育应重在通而不在专,通识为本,专识为末。他主张实施通才教育应充实人文学科学程,并使学生力求自教。 潘光旦通才教育思想的独特性在于,,他认为教育的首要目的在做人,在教人求安所遂生的“位育”之道,成就完整人格,他独创的“位育”思想是其通才教育思想独特的理论渊源;他一生推崇自由思想,其通才教育思想带有浓厚的自由教育论色彩;他对通才教育实施的条件有着清醒的认识,提出了自由、民主、教育三角理论,认为民主政治是通才教育实施的充分必要条件。 潘光旦通才教育思想对今日大学开展通识教育的启示价值在于:他让我们认识到从专业教育到通识教育理念的转变并不容易;思政类课程属于宣传性质,不宜列入通识教育课程体系;在通识教育课程体系构建中应坚持人文为重的原则;自由教育理念下的现代大学制度是通识教育有效实施的制度基础。
[Abstract]:Pan Guangdeng (1899-1967) is a famous sociologist, eugenist, ethnologist and educator in modern China. He devoted his life to the work of university education, teaching and academic research, and served as the leader of the university department for a long time, leaving behind rich educational works. He is not only an educator but also an educational thinker. The paper mainly expounds the forming process, the background, the connotation and the uniqueness of Pan Guangdan's thought of generalist education. Pan Guangdan's educational experience and educational background are the three major factors that influence the formation of Pan Guangdan's general education thought. Pan Guangdan believes that compared with specialized education, Pan Guangdan thinks that, in comparison with professional education, Pan Guangdan has three major factors that influence the formation of Pan Guangdan's general education. Chinese universities pay less attention to generalist education, and point out that college education should focus on general education instead of specialty, general knowledge as the basis, and specialization as the end. He advocates that the implementation of generalist education should enrich the humanities course and make students strive to teach themselves. The uniqueness of Pan Guangdan's educational thought lies in his view that the primary purpose of education is to be a man, to achieve a complete personality by teaching people the path of "education in a position". His original thought of "position education" is the unique theoretical origin of his thought of generalist education; he advocates free thought all his life, and his thought of generalist education has a strong color of free education, and he has a clear understanding of the conditions for the implementation of generalist education. This paper puts forward the triangle theory of freedom, democracy and education, and holds that democratic politics is the necessary and sufficient condition for the implementation of generalist education. The enlightenment of Pan Guangdan's general education thought to the general education in today's university lies in: he made us realize that the transformation from professional education to general education is not easy, and that ideological and political courses are propaganda in nature. It should not be included in the curriculum system of general education; the principle of humanism should be adhered to in the construction of curriculum system of general education; the modern university system under the concept of free education is the institutional basis for the effective implementation of general education.


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