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发布时间:2018-04-01 22:02

  本文选题:贫困生 切入点:思想政治教育 出处:《福建农林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着我国高等教育事业的迅速发展和高校体制改革的深入推进,高校贫困生问题已成为政府、社会和各大高校所共同关注的焦点和热点问题。针对高校贫困生的经济困难问题,党和政府非常重视和关注,实施了多元化的经济资助体系,从经济层面上给予这个特殊群体很大的支持,帮助他们完成学业。但是随着经济资助的开展,贫困生的精神层面却暴露出越来越多的心理和思想问题以及能力发展问题,严重影响了他们的成长成才。因此,加强贫困生思想政治教育刻不容缓。那么,当前针对农林类院校贫困生进行的思想政治教育究竟存在哪些问题和不足,我们应当采取什么措施来解决这些问题,并增强思想政治教育的实际效果,是目前整个社会所共同面临的现实问题,,也是本文着力研讨并试图加以解决的问题。 本文主要分为五个部分。第一部分:绪论。通过对有关贫困大学生问题的研究背景和国内外研究成果进行梳理和分析,提出本文的研究意义和思路,为整个问题的研究奠定基础。第二部分:农林类院校贫困生现状调查分析。在研究如何科学界定农林类院校贫困大学生的基础上,实证考察了中国农业大学和福建农林大学两所高校贫困生问题,重点分析了贫困大学生存在的心理问题和思想行为特征,从而提出当前加强农林类院校贫困生思想政治教育的必要性和紧迫性。主要是从促进贫困生全面发展、高等教育改革顺利进行、和谐校园和社会建设以及落实“科教兴农”政策等几个方面来分析其必要性。第四部分:农林类院校贫困生思想政治教育存在的问题及其原因分析。文章从思想引导与经济资助脱节、教育内容缺乏针对性以及教育渠道不畅等方面来探讨当前贫困大学生教育存在的主要问题;并从对贫困大学生的认知不足以及对其经济和精神扶持配置不合理、教育合力缺乏等方面进行原因分析。最后一部分是本论文的重点,也是本论文的研究目的所在。主要是从创新理念、优化内容和拓展渠道、构建机制等方面入手来探讨农林类院校贫困大学生思想政治教育的对策问题。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of China's higher education and the deepening of the reform of the university system, the problem of poor college students has become the government. The Party and the government have attached great importance to and paid close attention to the common focus and hot issues of society and major colleges and universities. The Party and the government have implemented a diversified economic aid system. From the economic level, this special group is given great support to help them complete their studies. But with the development of financial aid, more and more psychological and ideological problems and ability development problems are exposed in the spiritual aspect of the poor students. Therefore, it is urgent to strengthen the ideological and political education of poor students. So, what are the problems and deficiencies in the ideological and political education for the poor students in agricultural and forestry colleges? What measures should we take to solve these problems and enhance the practical effect of ideological and political education are the common practical problems facing the whole society at present, and are also the problems that this paper tries to study and try to solve. This paper is mainly divided into five parts. The first part: introduction. Through combing and analyzing the research background and domestic and foreign research results about the problem of poor college students, this paper puts forward the significance and thinking of this research. The second part: the investigation and analysis of the current situation of poor students in agricultural and forestry colleges. On the basis of studying how to scientifically define the poor students in agricultural and forestry colleges, This paper investigates the problems of poor students in two universities of China Agricultural University and Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University, and analyzes the psychological problems and ideological and behavioral characteristics of poor college students. Therefore, the necessity and urgency of strengthening the ideological and political education of poor students in agricultural and forestry colleges and universities are put forward, mainly from the perspective of promoting the all-round development of poor students and the smooth progress of the reform of higher education. The necessity of constructing harmonious campus and society and implementing the policy of "rejuvenating agriculture through science and education" is analyzed. Part four: the problems and causes of the ideological and political education of poor students in agricultural and forestry colleges and universities. A disconnect between guidance and financial aid, This paper discusses the main problems existing in the education of poor college students from the aspects of lack of pertinence of educational contents and lack of channels of education, and discusses the main problems existing in the education of poor college students, and from the aspects of inadequate cognition of poor college students and unreasonable allocation of their economic and spiritual support. The last part is the focus of this paper, which is also the purpose of this paper. It is mainly from the innovative ideas, optimize the content and expand the channels. This paper discusses the countermeasures of ideological and political education for poor college students in agriculture and forestry colleges.


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