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发布时间:2018-04-05 02:41

  本文选题:教师身份认同 切入点:教师专业身份认同 出处:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教师专业身份认同是教师专业发展中的一个重要概念。目前,它已经成为教师教育与发展研究领域中一个热点议题。社会文化视角下的教师专业身份认同反映地是教师如何看待自己及如何在与学生的交际中实现这些专业身份。其变化发展与教学语境及教师的社会认知行为是息息相关的。这些特性启示我们可以借助隐喻这种认知工具探讨这一主题。近年来,国外教育研究领域将隐喻视为讨论教师信念和实践的一个活跃概念。然而国内使用隐喻探讨教师行为和信念的研究仍处在起始阶段,有少量英语教师专业身份认同的研究,也极少涉及到少数民族地区高校英语教师专业身份认同的发展过程。 本研究从社会文化的视角出发,运用隐喻的方法探究了湘西土家族苗族自治州某高校三名英语教师的专业身份认同的发展及影响因素。具体探讨以下三个问题:(一)三位教师在专业发展中经历了哪些典型的阶段?(二)他们的专业身份认同在这些发展阶段中是如何变化的?(三)影响他们专业身份认同发展的因素有哪些?研究者使用了访谈前调查表、半结构访谈和教师日志的具体研究工具收集数据形成三方论证。并于访谈中引导他们使用隐喻来描述自己在专业发展中对教师专业身份认同的理解,用叙事手法对教师专业故事加以呈现。通过对数据内容进行分析,揭示隐喻表达中的教师专业身份认同的发展变化,进一步总结影响发展的因素。 研究结果表明:(一)三名教师的专业发展虽然经历了不同的阶段。但在初始阶段都体现出了积极适应教学环境和主动学习的特征。(二)他们在各发展阶段对专业身份认同的认知与理解存有差异。总的来说这些教师的专业身份认同逐渐转变到对学生全面发展的引导和培养的层面上,体现了他们以学生为中心的教学信念。(三)影响他们专业角色身份变化的有个人因素、专业因素和环境因素。 通过调查研究,我们发现这些教师体现出了较强的自主学习的特征,他们的专业身份认同的转变反映出他们逐步树立了引导和培养学生全面发展的教学信念。该研究对推进该地区高校英语教师的专业发展有一定的启示作用,也佐证了隐喻作为一种教师进行专业身份认同反思的工具,是探究其专业身份发展的一种有效途径。另外少数民族地区差异对这些教师的专业身份发展影响很小,体现了当前国内对少数民族自治地区的教师培养较为重视。尽管该地区教师发展情况相对滞后,但是仍然呈现出可喜的上升态势。
[Abstract]:Teacher professional identity is an important concept in teacher professional development.At present, it has become a hot topic in the field of teacher education and development.Teachers' professional identity from the perspective of social culture reflects how teachers view themselves and how to achieve these professional identities in their communication with students.Its development is closely related to the teaching context and teachers' social cognitive behavior.These characteristics suggest that we can explore this subject with metaphor as a cognitive tool.In recent years, metaphor has been regarded as an active concept in the field of educational research abroad.However, the study on teachers' behaviors and beliefs using metaphor in China is still at the initial stage. There are a few researches on English teachers' professional identity, and very little on the development of professional identity of college English teachers in minority areas.From the perspective of social culture, this study explores the development and influencing factors of professional identity of three English teachers in a university in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture by means of metaphor.This paper discusses the following three questions: (1) what typical stages did the three teachers experience in their professional development?(B) how their professional identity has changed during these stages of development?(C) of the factors affecting the development of their professional identity?The researchers used pre-interview questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and teacher logs to collect data to form a three-way argument.In interviews, they are guided to use metaphors to describe their understanding of teachers' professional identity in their professional development, and to present teachers' professional stories with narrative techniques.By analyzing the data content, this paper reveals the development and change of teachers' professional identity in metaphorical expression, and sums up the factors that influence the development.The results show that the three teachers experienced different stages of professional development.However, in the initial stage, it embodies the characteristics of active adaptation to teaching environment and active learning.(2) there are differences in their cognition and understanding of professional identity at different stages of development.Generally speaking, the professional identity of these teachers has gradually changed to the level of guidance and cultivation of students' all-round development, which embodies their student-centered teaching beliefs.(3) personal factors, professional factors and environmental factors affect their professional roles.Through investigation and research, we find that these teachers have the characteristics of strong autonomous learning, and the change of their professional identity reflects that they have gradually set up the teaching belief to guide and train the students' all-round development.This study has some enlightening effect on promoting the professional development of English teachers in colleges and universities in this area, and it also proves that metaphor, as a tool for teachers to reflect on their professional identity, is an effective way to explore the development of their professional identity.In addition, the differences of minority regions have little influence on the development of these teachers' professional identity, which reflects the importance of teacher training in minority autonomous areas.Although the development of teachers in this area lags behind, it still presents a gratifying upward trend.


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