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发布时间:2018-04-09 20:42

  本文选题:教师绩效考核 切入点:知识经济 出处:《东北大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rise of economic globalization and knowledge economy, global higher education has undergone a profound and huge change.Globalization, marketization, knowledge economy and academic capitalism have become a very important background in the development of universities all over the world, and have a subtle influence on the function orientation of universities and the role of teachers.In this case, how should the "985 Project", which is aimed at the world-class universities in our country, be faced with, especially how to adapt to the personnel system reform of colleges and universities with the core content of teacher performance appraisal?Nature has become the focus of attention.Therefore, it is of great value to probe into the performance evaluation of teachers in 985 engineering colleges under the background of knowledge economy.Through literature analysis, comparative research and other common methods of educational science research, this paper discusses the performance evaluation of teachers in "985 engineering" colleges in China under the background of knowledge economy.First of all, the research trends of teacher performance appraisal at home and abroad are combed out, the related concepts and theories of teacher performance appraisal are defined, explained, and the inevitability of teacher role transformation in "Project 985" colleges is analyzed.From the main aspects of strengthening the social service function of university teachers, widening the gap between different disciplines and changing from single to multiple identities, this paper interprets the new changes of teachers' roles in the "985 Project" colleges under the background of knowledge economy.Select ten representative "985 project" teachers' performance appraisal scheme as the typical case, through sorting out, dissection, generalize the actual situation of the "985 project" college teacher performance appraisal in our country; again,Based on the new changes of teachers' role in "985 Project" under the background of knowledge economy, this paper measures the actual situation of the performance appraisal of teachers in "985 Engineering" colleges and universities, and finds that the existing assessment scheme is too old and the main body of assessment is single.The main problems, such as the missing of the evaluation dimension and the difference of the evaluation index among different disciplines, are analyzed from the aspects of the consciousness of the manager, the particularity of the teacher's professional labor and the process of establishing the performance appraisal index. Finally,It revolves around the renewal of teachers' performance appraisal scheme, the diversification of assessment subjects and methods, the construction of assessment indexes and the principles of assessment, and so on.Under the background of knowledge economy, the paper puts forward some concrete countermeasures and suggestions for teachers' performance evaluation in 985 engineering colleges and universities.


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