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发布时间:2018-04-15 05:21

  本文选题:大学生 + 生涯发展 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:开展大学生生涯咨询辅导工作,有助于大学生成长成才,提高高等教育质量,优化社会职业结构和促进社会稳定。本论题主要采用了文献研究法、分析归纳法、演绎推理法等对大学生生涯咨询辅导的内涵,经典生涯辅导理论,我国高校生涯咨询辅导现状、内容、途径和大学生生涯咨询辅导体系的建构进行了研究。 大学生生涯咨询辅导是指辅导专家以当代大学生身心发展规律为依据,从大学生自身的能力、知识、体验等实际状况出发,运用专业的生涯咨询辅导知识,全面分析影响其生涯发展的主客观因素,协助前来寻求生涯咨询辅导的大学生克服生涯发展的难题,驱除情绪与认知方面的障碍,帮助大学生厘清其“自我概念”、明确生涯发展方向,然后践行其“自我概念”,使大学生生涯得到健康的发展。 生涯辅导理论大致可以划分为三大类:匹配理论、发展理论和决策理论。匹配理论重点强调人与职的匹配;发展理论重点强调生涯的阶段性和动态发展性;决策理论着重研究了生涯决策的历程、生涯决策形态,强调社会认知的作用。当前我国高校生涯咨询辅导工作存在着诸多不足:学生本身的自我概念不清,生涯规划意识和实践能力偏弱;高校生涯咨询辅导理念弱,辅导机构不完善,师资力量差,生涯咨询辅导内容不全面且实施途径欠佳;家长对子女生涯的引导和支持方式欠佳;社会对高校生涯咨询辅导的资金、政策、环境支持力度不够。 有鉴于此,我们亟需通过建立生涯档案、生涯咨询辅导课程、生涯咨询辅导活动以及团体咨询辅导与个体咨询辅导等途径对其实施新生适应性辅导、自我概念引导、学业生活辅导以及职业咨询辅导等辅导内容。而实施这些内容,需要建立与之相适应的生涯咨询辅导工作体系,在这个体系中,首先要引导学生树立生涯规划意识,参加生涯实践;实现高校就业指导向生涯咨询辅导转变,建立完善生涯辅导机构,增强师资力量,积极探索并实施生涯咨询辅导内容;协调家长对子女生涯发展的指导与支持;社会各界要增强对高校生涯咨询辅导的资金、政策等支持力度。
[Abstract]:It is helpful for college students to develop into talents, improve the quality of higher education, optimize the social professional structure and promote social stability.This thesis mainly uses the literature research method, the analysis induction, the deductive reasoning method and so on to the university student career consultation guidance connotation, the classical career guidance theory, our country university career consultation guidance present situation, the content,The way and the construction of career counseling system for college students are studied.Career counseling and counseling for college students refers to the use of professional career counseling and guidance knowledge based on the laws of the physical and mental development of contemporary college students, and from the actual conditions of college students' own ability, knowledge and experience, etc.It comprehensively analyzes the subjective and objective factors affecting their career development, assists college students who come to seek career counseling to overcome their career development problems, dispel emotional and cognitive obstacles, and help them clarify their "self-concept".Make clear the career development direction, then practice its "self-concept", make the university student career get the healthy development.Career counseling theory can be divided into three categories: matching theory, development theory and decision theory.The matching theory emphasizes the matching between the people and the job; the development theory emphasizes the stage and dynamic development of the career; the decision theory focuses on the process of career decision making, the career decision-making form, and the role of social cognition.At present, there are many deficiencies in career consultation and guidance work in colleges and universities in China: the students' own self-concept is not clear, the consciousness of career planning and practical ability is weak, the idea of career consultation and guidance in colleges and universities is weak, the counseling institutions are not perfect, and the teachers' strength is poor.The content of career counseling is not comprehensive and the implementation way is not good; the parents' guidance and support for their children's career is not good; the fund, policy and environment support for career counseling in colleges and universities are not enough.In view of this, we urgently need to establish career archives, career counseling courses, career counseling activities, group counseling and individual counseling, etc.Academic life counseling and career counseling and other counseling content.In order to implement these contents, we need to set up a career consultation and guidance system, in which we should first guide students to set up the awareness of career planning, participate in career practice, and realize the transformation from career guidance to career counseling in colleges and universities.Establish and improve career counseling institutions, strengthen teachers, actively explore and implement career counseling content; coordinate parents' guidance and support for their children's career development;Policy support, etc.


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