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发布时间:2018-04-20 03:29

  本文选题:生涯教育 + 大学生 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:生涯教育强调在普通教育过程中将实际生活及职业世界相关的讯息融入课程中,增强学生职业选择的能力,协助其获得工作技能,通过更有意义、更符合学生志趣的教育方式,增进其学业成就,为成功的职业生涯作最佳的准备。 近年来,高校职业生涯教育越来越受到了关注和重视。如何对学生进行生涯教育也就成为了众多人讨论的焦点。目前大陆高校大学生生涯教育存在着局限和不足。生涯教育理念单一、职业生涯教育本土化理论体系较匮乏、课程建设不完善、师资力量较薄弱、辅导过程不系统、服务机构不健全、测评体系不完整、缺乏职业生涯教育实践平台。 本文对台湾高校生涯教育具体的实施方法进行详细的介绍。台湾主要有以下主要的做法:UCAN大专院校就业职能诊断平台建立、电子生涯账户化积累、学生学习地图建设、课程的精细化管理、网络信息化展示、专业化测试评估、举办多样化活动、机构专门化运作以及大学生职业生涯辅导作业流程图。在借鉴台湾高校生涯教育的经验并结合大陆高校生涯教育的现实问题的基础上,提出大陆高校生涯教育需要从以下几个方面进行改善。树立全面而先进的生涯教育理念、设置合理而生动的生涯教育课程、加强生涯教育师资队伍的专业化建设、搭建广阔的生涯实践平台、开发本土的测评系统、构建综合性生涯网络平台、整合校园部门,加强合作,共同致力于生涯教育以及强化生涯教育的宣传工作。通过这些方面的改进,希望大陆高校的生涯教育能够顺利的进行,顺利实现生涯教育的目标。
[Abstract]:Career education emphasizes the integration of information about real life and the professional world into the curriculum in the course of general education, to enhance students' ability to choose their careers, to assist them in acquiring job skills and to adopt a more meaningful and interesting approach to education. Improve their academic achievement and make the best preparation for a successful career. In recent years, college career education has been paid more and more attention. How to carry on the career education to the student also became the focal point which many people discussed. At present, there are limitations and deficiencies in career education of college students in mainland China. The concept of career education is single, the localization theory system of career education is scarce, the curriculum construction is not perfect, the teachers' strength is weak, the guidance process is not systematic, the service organization is not perfect, and the evaluation system is not complete. Lack of career education practice platform. This paper gives a detailed introduction to the implementation methods of career education in Taiwan's colleges and universities. Taiwan mainly has the following main practices: the establishment of a career function diagnostic platform for Ucan universities and colleges, the accumulation of electronic career accounts, the construction of students' study maps, the fine management of courses, the display of network information, and the specialized testing and evaluation. Organize diversified activities, specialized operation of institutions and career guidance assignments flow chart for college students. On the basis of drawing lessons from the experience of higher education in Taiwan and combining with the practical problems of career education in mainland China, this paper points out that the career education in mainland colleges and universities should be improved from the following aspects. Set up comprehensive and advanced career education concept, set up reasonable and vivid career education courses, strengthen the professional construction of career education teachers, build a broad career practice platform, and develop the local evaluation system. Constructing a comprehensive career network platform, integrating campus departments, strengthening cooperation, working together to promote career education and strengthen career education. Through these improvements, we hope that the career education of mainland colleges and universities can be carried out smoothly and the goal of career education can be realized smoothly.


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