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发布时间:2018-04-20 14:18

  本文选题:福建高校 + 学生党员 ; 参考:《福建农林大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the new era, with the expansion of the scale of colleges and universities, the number of college students is gradually increasing. College students' Party members are the youngest and most energetic component of the Party members, with higher cultural and ideological quality, and are builders and successors of the cause of socialist modernization. Therefore, strengthening the ideological and political education of college student party members is not only helpful to improve the ideological and political quality of college students' party members, but also to strengthen the construction of the Party's governing ability. In the new period, according to the new characteristics of student party members and the modern educational means, we should carry out targeted ideological and political education activities to improve the party spirit cultivation and service consciousness of student party members. For the development of the Party and the country can shoulder the task of socialist construction of modern outstanding party members and talents. This paper is divided into six parts. Part one: introduction. Through combing and analyzing the research background and research results of ideological and political education of college student Party members, this paper puts forward the significance and thinking of this paper. The second part: deeply analyze the connotation and type of ideological and political education carrier of college student party members, and lay a theoretical foundation for further research on carrier construction; The third part: due to the continuous progress of science and technology in the new period and the new characteristics of the educational objects, it is an inevitable choice to strengthen the carrier construction of ideological and political education for college students in Fujian. The fourth part: to investigate the status quo of ideological and political education carrier construction in six colleges and universities in Fujian province by means of questionnaire survey. On this basis, this paper analyzes the problems in the carrier construction of ideological and political education for college students and party members in Fujian. Part five: establishing the basic principles of the carrier construction of ideological and political education for college students and party members. The last part is the focus of this paper, and is also the purpose of this paper. This paper mainly discusses the countermeasures of perfecting the carrier construction of ideological and political education of student Party members in Fujian colleges and universities from six aspects of inner-party education, theory, culture, practice, the expansion of media carrier and the relevance between carriers.


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