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发布时间:2018-04-22 08:48

  本文选题:民办高校 + 发展战略 ; 参考:《青岛科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国民办高等教育得到恢复和迅速发展,并且形成了一定的规模,办学层次不断提高,教育教学质量也不断提高,2012年北京城市学院等5所民办本科院校成为我国首批获得硕士招生资格的院校,使我国的民办高等教育发展又有了新的突破,走向了更高的发展层次,并且展现出了5所院校较强的办学实力和较高的办学水平,为我国民办高等教育发展树立了学习的旗帜。民办高等教育已经成为我国高等教育的重要组成部分,在我国的高等教育事业中发挥着越来越重要的作用,并且促进了我国高等教育逐步走向大众化的进程,但同时我们也应该看到高等教育市场越来越激烈的竞争现象中,民办高校为了求得生存和持续发展,必须制定适合自身发展的战略规划。 本文借鉴战略管理理论和分析方法,通过对山东YC学院宏观环境、行业结构、内部条件及SWOT分析,提出山东YC学院发展战略目标、工作方针和战略选择,探索了战略实施措施。 本文首先介绍了战略及战略管理的相关理论;接着对山东YC学院的外部环境和内部环境进行了分析,并运用SWOT分析法分析了山东YC学院发展过程中存在的机会、威胁、优势与劣势;然后结合山东YC学院发展战略目标,提出了发展战略选择;最后,从继续坚持依法治校,加强规范管理;进一步加强师资队伍建设;实行开放办学,创新人才培养模式;加强学生教育、管理和就业工作;完善办学条件,狠抓文化建设;重视招生和办学经费的筹措等方面提出了战略实施措施。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, private higher education in our country has been restored and developed rapidly, and has formed a certain scale, and the level of running schools has been continuously improved. The quality of education and teaching has also been continuously improved. In 2012, Beijing City College and other five private undergraduate colleges became the first batch of institutions in our country to obtain master's enrollment qualifications, which made the development of private higher education in our country make a new breakthrough and move to a higher level of development. It also shows the strong strength and higher level of running schools in 5 colleges, and sets up the banner of learning for the development of private higher education in our country. Private higher education has become an important part of higher education in our country, playing an increasingly important role in the cause of higher education in our country, and has promoted the process of popularizing our higher education step by step. But at the same time, we should also see that the competition of higher education market is more and more fierce. In order to survive and develop continuously, private colleges and universities must formulate the strategic plan suitable for their own development. By analyzing the macro environment, industry structure, internal conditions and SWOT of Shandong YC College, this paper puts forward the development strategy goal, working principle and strategic choice of Shandong YC College, and explores the strategic implementation measures. This paper first introduces the theory of strategy and strategic management, then analyzes the external and internal environment of Shandong YC University, and analyzes the opportunities and threats in the development process of Shandong YC University by using SWOT analysis method. Advantages and disadvantages; then combined with the development strategy goal of Shandong YC College, put forward the development strategy choice; finally, from continuing to adhere to the rule of law, strengthen standardized management, further strengthen the construction of teachers, open school, It also puts forward some strategic measures, such as innovating the training mode of talents, strengthening students' education, management and employment, perfecting the conditions of running a school, paying close attention to cultural construction, paying attention to enrollment and raising funds for running a school, etc.


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