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发布时间:2018-04-22 19:31

  本文选题:AGIL模型 + 高校 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:创新是社会发展的不竭动力,对于我国建设创新型国家具有重要意义。高校作为创新人才培养的主要场所,对培养创新人才进行了比较全面的探索,取得了一定的成绩与经验。本文基于对国内外创新人才培养相关研究现状的描述,借鉴美国社会学家帕森斯的结构主义理论,以"AGIL模型”的四个功能为基础通过分析我国高校创新人才培养现状,试图找出创新人才培养中存在的问题并依据该模型提出相应的解决对策,以促进我国高校创新人才的培养。 本文共分绪论和正文五章组成。绪论部分主要介绍了问题的提出、研究的意义、研究的思路与方法、研究的难点与创新点。第一章,相关概念界定主要介绍了国内外对创新、人才以及创新人才的理解,对这几个概念进行了梳理。第二章,国内外创新人才培养的研究现状,其中国外创新人才培养主要介绍了英国、德国、美国、日本在创新人才培养方面的理论与实践。国内创新人才培养主要介绍了国内学者对创新人才培养的理解以及国内几所高校在创新人才培养方面所做的有益实践。第三章,基于AGIL模型的我国高校创新人才培养问题。本章首先从"AGIL模型”的提出和"AGIL模型”的功能两个方面对"AGIL模型”进行了介绍,其次,文章依据‘'AGIL模型”提出了我国高校创新人才培养在适应功能、目标达成功能、整合功能以及潜在模式维持功能方面存的问题。第四章,基于"AGIL模型”的我国高校创新人才培养策略。本章针对上文发现的问题提出了改善适应功能、维持目标达成功能、提升整合能力、增强潜在模式维持功能的对策建议。最后一章研究结论,对文章进行了总结并指出了研究的不足。
[Abstract]:Innovation is the inexhaustible motive force of social development, which is of great significance to the construction of an innovative country. As the main place of cultivating innovative talents, colleges and universities have made a relatively comprehensive exploration of cultivating innovative talents, and have obtained certain achievements and experiences. Based on the description of the current situation of the research on the cultivation of innovative talents at home and abroad and the structuralism theory of American sociologist Parsons, based on the four functions of the "AGIL Model", this paper analyzes the present situation of the cultivation of innovative talents in colleges and universities in China. This paper tries to find out the problems existing in the cultivation of innovative talents and put forward corresponding countermeasures according to the model in order to promote the cultivation of innovative talents in colleges and universities in China. This paper consists of introduction and five chapters. The introduction part mainly introduces the question raising, the research significance, the research thought and the method, the research difficulty and the innovation point. The first chapter, the definition of related concepts mainly introduces the domestic and foreign understanding of innovation, talent and innovative talents, combing these concepts. The second chapter is about the current situation of the research on the cultivation of innovative talents at home and abroad, in which the theory and practice of the cultivation of innovative talents in Britain, Germany, the United States and Japan are mainly introduced. This paper mainly introduces the understanding of domestic scholars on the cultivation of innovative talents and the beneficial practice of several colleges and universities in cultivating innovative talents. The third chapter, based on the AGIL model, innovative talents training in colleges and universities in China. This chapter first introduces the "AGIL model" from two aspects: "AGIL model" and "AGIL model". Secondly, according to the "AGIL model", the paper puts forward the function of cultivating innovative talents in colleges and universities in our country. Problems with the integration function and the underlying pattern maintenance function. The fourth chapter, based on the "AGIL model", innovative talents training strategy in colleges and universities in China. In this chapter, some suggestions are put forward to improve the function of adaptation, to maintain the function of achieving goals, to enhance the ability of integration and to enhance the function of potential pattern maintenance. In the last chapter, the conclusion of the paper is summarized and the deficiency of the research is pointed out.


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